Monday, October 2, 2023



    Acceptance is the action of accepting to receive or undertake something offered.  It is the process to being adequate or suitable for a group.  
    It is a blessing to see yourself doing good in God's eyes.  It is a confidence booster to know in the moment that you are doing the right thing.  That is why we need to take the time to learn what is the right things.  We want to be accepted, but having strength in Jesus is more important. 
    We need to be trustworthy to serve God to find acceptance where it matters.  It is in this acceptance that you find mercy.  He gives you mercy for your ignorance and unbelief once you accept the truth and start following Jesus.  God is generous.  He will replace your arrogance and insolence with grace, faith, and love.  He is patient and He teaches patience.  
    To really understand acceptance we need to be quick to listen and slow to speak or anger.  Human anger does not produce anything good or beneficial.  It only produces evil in the heart.  It is better to teach yourself humility.  The Holy Spirit plants it in your heart, so all you have to do is feed it.  It will empower your soul to be righteous.  Don't forget what God is teaching you and you will be blessed.  
    We have to practice self-control.  We have to control the tongue or it will make us a fool.  If you can't control your body, then your faith is worthless as a testimony to God.  Refuse to allow yourself to be corrupted and you will find your testimony accepted by Jesus.

1 Timothy 1:12-17 & James 1:19-27

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