Tuesday, October 3, 2023



    To access is to approach or enter a place.  It can be an attack or outburst of emotion.  It is to obtain, examine, or retrieve information.  It comes down to getting something that not everyone else always has the ability to get.
     To access faith is to be made right with God.  Accessing faith is accessing peace in mind and heart because you understand what Jesus sacrificed for you.  No one deserves the rewards of faith, but it is given to anyone who will accept the invitation.  It provides confidence, joy, and privilege.  
    Our salvation gives us the ability to rejoice in the midst of problems and trails because we are learning endurance.  We are becoming strong in character, hope, and in our salvation.  This hope does not lead you astray.  It is not pointless.  It is based on faith and love from the Holy Spirit.
    We were hopeless, but then Jesus came and changed the meaning of everything in life.  God sending Jesus was an act of true love.  Jesus gave us the gift of having a loving relationship with God.  There is no longer a huge rift between desire to have and actually having a relationship with God.
    Once only God's chosen people could have salvation.  Jesus came and opened the door for the rest of humanity to change and have a relationship based on faith.  He circumcised our hearts at the moment we accepted the gift of salvation.  Now we have access to God by living differently.  Jesus' covenant granted Gentiles access to citizenship in Heaven.
    Jesus gives us access to peace from the hostile world.  He taught us the system and how it applies to the commandments set by God.  If we obey the commandments based on love, then we are united and strong as one person representing God on Earth.  Jesus brought good news.  Now we need to spread that good news.  This is how you access God through the Holy Spirit: faith in Jesus.  Jesus is the key.  God is the destination.  The Holy Spirit is the guide.

Romans 5:1-11 & Ephesians 2:11-18

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