Wednesday, October 4, 2023



    An accident is an unfortunate event that happens unexpectedly.  It typically results in damage of property or injury.  It just happens without planning or cunning.  The event is not deliberate.  It is things like accidents that keep life from be predictable.
    God spoke to Joshua to designate cities for refugees because God knew that horrible accidents were inevitable.  They are a part of life, but sometimes they can cause another person to die.  God recognized that killing someone without intent or desire is not murder, but people can have a hard time telling the difference when emotions run on the extremes.  
    God wanted a place for the accidental killer to be able to stay safe.  It was not a prison, but it was not freedom either because if they ever left, then the family members of the killed person had the right to take the killer's life.  The family member that enacted justice was called avenger of blood.  
    For the killer to be allowed to live in the refugee city, they had to go before the elders like in court to prove that it was an accident and basically check in like with a parole officer.  It was the elders that would them a place to live.  
    There the accidental killer would live for the rest of his or her life or the death of the high priest that assigned the penalty.  Then they could return home in which they had fled if they wanted to return.  These cities also held the foreigners that lived among God's people.
    God's Word spoke to Jeremiah about speaking up in Jerusalem.  God was hurt that His people once loved Him, but had forgotten about Him.  His people had turned their back on Him.  He had given them everything including life and they ignored His existence.  They chose to live detestable lives.  Their lives made them unclean.  It was not an accident.  It was their choice.
    We cannot become clean on our own.  We need Jesus for that, but back then it was a ritualistic lifestyle of respect and honor to God.  We are not gods.  We are not supposed to live like we are our own god.  Stop rebelling and respond to God's correction.  It is for your own good.  
    We are no different than the people that lived in Jeremiah's time.  The same rules apply with our lifestyle.  The only difference is that Jesus brought clarity.  It is not an accident when you walk away from God.  Don't pretend that it is.  Pretending leads to despair.

Joshua 20 & Jeremiah 2

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