Sunday, October 15, 2023



    Achan was in the Judah tribe.  His name means "troubler".  He was at Jericho when it was cursed for destruction.  He took some of the forbidden spoils.  Spoils was allowed plundering of the victors after a battle is won.  God had said not to take anything, so what Achan did was a sin.  Throughout Israel's history, Achan will be know for bringing trouble upon the nation.
    What Achan did was violate the instructions of God.  God gave clear instructions on what was to be set apart for Him.  What Achan took was dedicated to God, so basically Achan stole from God.  The consequences were severe.
    It was not Achan to be punished in the beginning.  No one knew what he had done.  By all standards of the world he had gotten away with it, but God knew and was angry.  When the Israel army went back out to battle they only took about 3,000 men because they thought that God was still supporting them.  
    The men of Ai defeated Israel with no difficulty.  The Israel courage melted away and they were paralyzed with fear because they didn't know what had changed.  Joshua and the elders were in dismay and they prayed at the ark for hours.  
    God gave Joshua the charge: Israel had sinned and broken the covenant.  They stole and lied and now Israel was set apart for destruction.  Achan's actions brought charges against the entire nation.  Until the stolen items are destroyed, Israel would suffer.  God commanded the people to purify themselves.  The guilty party had to come forward.  One by one they would be questioned until all the items were burned.  
    Achan let the proceedings go all they way until it was his turn.  He didn't step to do the right thing until he had to.  Things could have gone better for him if he had faced his sin and repented on his own.  He was stoned for his sin, but so was his entire family.  They had to pay for his sin and for keeping it quiet.  Once they were dead, the bodies were burned with the stolen spoils to make things right with God for all of Israel.  Once it was complete, God's anger went away.

Joshua 7 & 1 Chronicles 2:3-7

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