Saturday, October 14, 2023



    Acco is the person that was delegated authority by the commissioner to organize or supervise as a representative of the commissioner.  In Biblical terms it was a Syrian town.  It was a few miles north of Carmel.  The meaning is "his straightness" or "to hem".  
    Joshua died and the Israelites prayed where to go first to claim the promised land.  God led them to Judah.  They took the Simeonites with them to fight.  Together they the fought and killed thousands of Canaanites.  They went on and captured Jerusalem.  They killed everyone and burned the city.
    The battle journey continued with Caleb as their leader.  Life also continued as they took the promised land.  Caleb's daughter got married and started her own family.  She was given to the victor of the city that became Debir.  They showed the power that they had as a blessing from God.  The power to conquer without fear or doubt.  The same power gave them the ability to live life and not just focus on the mission of death.
    The land that Caleb took for his family was Hebron.  It never had true peace because they did not obey God's plan completely.  God said get rid of all the people that had settled there.  The Benjaminites never really dislodged the Jebusites.  
    Joseph's house attacked and took Bethel.  They renamed the city Luz making it the City of Light.  Manasseh did not drive out the natives of their territory either.  They kept them as slaves instead.  The Asher clan did not drive out the natives in many cities.  Acco was one of the cities where the Canaanites refused the become slaves or leave.  They gave God's people a hard time and were able to because God's people did not remove them.  It was only the beginning of strife that would last hundreds of years.
    When you do something for God, don't do a half job.  When God gives you a command, then do it thoroughly.  Make sure you don't leave out any of the instructions that may be more difficult or not appealing.  He gives us orders for a reason.  It may be harder for a short amount of time, but in the long run you will thrive.  If you don't then you will face unpleasant consequences.

Judges 1

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