Friday, October 13, 2023



    To acclaim is to praise enthusiastically and publicly.  It is praise.  In the Bible it is to be met with strong approval, loud applause, hail or cheer.  It is applied in praising God.  It is rejoicing over the truth about God.
    Balaam tried to conjure God into appearing.  God is not a genie.  He does not just appear and disappear.  He sent Balaam a message right into his mouth.  Balaam told Balak that God would not curse the people .  He had chosen them to be set apart.  Balaam ended up blessing Israel instead of cursing them.  
    Balak may have turned to Moab's gods, but Balaam acclaimed God because He does not change.  Once God declares something, then that is how it will be.  He is not fickle like people.  Once He gives a blessing, then it will not be taken away.  God was with His people.  God is still with His people.
    The church leaders bound Jesus and handed him over to be tried in the manner that they wanted.  He was questioned and remained silent because His words hold power.  He could have changed everything and walked away, but it it was decided when sin entered the world that he would be the sacrifice for people.  Jesus the only perfect human was crucified.  That punishment was saved for the worst of the worst criminal.  
    Before Jesus was crucified, he was beaten, flogged, insulted, mocked.  He was treated in the worst manner people can treat another person.  The moment he died on that cross, the world noticeably changed.  The curtain that kept people from the most holy of holy rooms in God's temple ripped from top to bottom as if God's hands released the barrier Himself.  This is why Jesus should be acclaimed.  The time of mockery and doubt is over.  It is time to acclaim Jesus for what he did for you.
    All nations should acclaim God because is awesome.  He has the power to to subdue any situation or person.  He has the power to destroy.  He give blessings and curses.  He is everything and He chooses to love us.  Sing out your praise because the earth and everything in it belongs to Him.  Exalt and acclaim in your heart everything that He does for you.  He is still working in your life today.  Don't be shy about your love or your relationship with God.  Instead honor Him everyday with your words and lifestyle.

Numbers 23, Psalm 47, & Mark 15

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