Thursday, October 12, 2023



    An acequia is a ditch or a canal meant for irrigation.  It was a major part of the water system in an arid area.  In the Bible it was very modern.
    God's Word came to Ezekiel to give the Egyptian king a message about claiming the beauty of God's work as his own.  God made the world a beautiful place.  It has depth to it that humans can't see or fully understand.  The world is beautiful, but it also provides nourishment.  God created the world to contain and provide for all of out needs.  It was when sin was introduced that we had to start working for what we need in the world.
    God create to world to hold a magnificent amount of water.  There is water in abundance, but it doesn't naturally reach all locations in the world.  God destroyed some places due to the curse of sin.  Those places are very hard, if possible at all, to live in.  Water is scarce and the sun is hot.  When we bring wickedness to a place, it is the place that is cursed.  This makes God mourn over His creation.
    God gave us minds to make the environment that we live in to work for our needs.  He made us to be smart, creative, and doers in life.  Someone came up with the brilliant idea to create acequia to get water to the land, so that their crops would live.  That meant they would survive.  
    God did this so that we could appreciate that He made us and the world around us.  It all comes back to Him.  He wants that relationship with us.  He wants to be that reviving water in our souls.  That means we will not wither away and have a meaningless life.  Acequia made people's lives easier for all life.  Having salvation makes our existence better so that we can live a full life. 

Ezekiel 31

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