To accuse is to place blame on someone or something. It is to charge someone with an offense or crime. It is to claim that someone did something wrong whether major or minor. It is serious business to accuse someone because it could lead to a series of consequences. It is important to be certain before accusing anyone of anything.
If you are uncertain about how you are living your life, then it is wise to go to God in prayer and meditation. Ask God to teach you how to live and stay on the right path. Enemies await for you to mess up, so pray that you do good so that you do not fall pray to them. They may accuse you of anything, but if you live a righteous life, then the accusations will not hold. They want violence, so give them peace. Be confident that God will take care of you in these times. Wait patiently for Him to show up for you. That takes bravery and courage.
Wait patiently and character will be revealed. God will reward your patience with compassion and mercy. He is slow to anger because He is full of unfailing love for all people. He accusation and anger for our sins will not last forever if we turn away from them. If He is angry, then that means that sin has become part of your culture, lifestyle, daily life. Be grateful that you are not punished for every sin you commit or that He deals harshly with you. Be grateful that He is eager to forgive. All you have to do is your part: acknowledge your sin, repent, and confess.
Zechariah had a vision where he saw Jeshua, the high priest, standing before the angel of God. Jeshua is Jehovah. The accuser, Satan, was to the right of God's angel. He was making accusations against Jeshua. God told Satan that He rejects Satan's accusations. Jerusalem itself rebukes Satan. This means that Jehovah has authority over Satan.
Jesus went to the synagogue and noticed a man with a deformed hand. The Pharisees wanted to have a reason to accuse Jesus of a crime, so they asked him if healing is permitted on the Sabbath since it is considered work? Jesus was no fool. He knew what they were doing. He turned the question on them and brought out the point that saving people in the moment is more important that the appearance of being holy. Do good instead of looking good. Do good because it is the right thing to do.
The Pharisees hated Jesus so much that they created a case against him to accuse him of leading the people astray. To the government officials they made him out to be a threat. After all he was claiming to be a king when he declared he was the Messiah. Pilate questioned him about the accusation. Jesus kept his response short and to the point. Pilate could not find any fault with Jesus, but the Pharisees kept pushing. Pilate sent him to Herod's jurisdiction wanting to wash his hands of the issue.
Herald had heard about Jesus and was excited to meet him. With Herold Jesus refused to answer much to the disappointment of Herald. This is when the mockery and abuse began. The situation made the two government officials, who had been enemies until that day, to become friends. They were united that Jesus was falsely accused.
Jesus did declare that he will be the final accuser. He will have their hope of salvation, Moses, to accuse them. If they really believed in what Moses had taught and wrote down, then they would believe that Jesus was Messiah. The message still stands today. If you can't believe in God's Word, then how can you believe that Jesus is the Messiah?
Psalm 27:11-14, 103:7-10, Zechariah 3:1-2, Matthew 12:9-13, Luke 23:2-14, & John 5:45-47

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