Tuesday, October 10, 2023



    An accusation is a charge or a claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.  Accusations are pieces of information, but never the full story.  Sometimes they are true, but sometimes they are fabricated or the truth is twisted into something worse than it really was.  
    Jesus was accused of many things.  The truth always proved he was innocent, yet he still was killed in the worst possible way.  The truth is that only happened because he allowed it to happen.  He allowed the accusations to play out and allow evil to think it won when in reality he used it as his ultimate victory.
    God allowed the accusations to carry out to harm His own son because He loves us. He never had to, but He the God of the Word.  That means that He never breaks a promise and ever since sin entered the world He promised us a way to have salvation and a relationship with Him.  We just need to recognize the sacrifice behind that promise.  He was the one that gave the most.  We are not the ones sacrificing for salvation.
    No one has the right to make accusations of us for following Jesus, but it happens.  What they don't realize is that God gave us the right to be a part of His family.  We only need to stand firm in that relationship to live a victorious life.  
    No person can condemn us, but our selves.  If we reject Jesus, then we condemn ourselves.  What people accuse us of is meaningless if we walk with Jesus.  Our relationship is solid and that means so is our eternity.  His love is stronger than anyone's hate.  We may suffer bad events, persecution, hunger, poverty, danger, and threats.  That will happen in life no matter what.  The difference is that we can have Jesus with us when it happens or we can face it alone.
    People that follow Jesus faithfully should be respected.  They should be paid well for living life and working hard with integrity.  They do what is right to the best of their ability in all situations.  They try to live their life like Jesus.  They are not perfect, but they live an honorable life and try to teach others how to do so at the same time.
    Do not listen to accusations without proof.  You don't have all the facts.  The accusation may not be true.  It is the same as not listening to gossip.  Make sure that there are two or three witnesses before you entertain the worst ideas of people.  It is better if the witnesses have no relationship.  It gives the story more validity.  Those who sin should be reprimanded accordingly.   
    If it is a Christian, then it should be in front of the church. but do not reprimand unless you know that sin has actually occurred.  If a person sins and gets away with it in life, then God will take care of the situation.  No one gets away with doing evil forever.

Romans 8:31-39 & 1 Timothy 5:17-20

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