Monday, October 9, 2023



    Accursed is to be under a curse.  People usually to display an extreme dislike or anger toward someone or something.  The thing is that we are all born under the curse of sin and what it entails.  Salvation by faith is the only way to escape that curse and find true freedom.
    If someone has committed a crime that leads to the death penalty, then they should be executed and hung on a tree.  They should not remain in that tree overnight.  Each body should be buried the day the person is executed.  It is a curse to keep a person hanging over night according to God.  The practical reason is that it prevents defilement of the body.  God's reason is His own, but I think it is to help the people that were hurt by that executed from being tempted to do evil themselves.  To defile a body is to defile the land of God in which He has given us possession over.
    If something is set apart for God, then it should never be used for destruction.  If you defile what is God's then you bring destruction upon yourself.  God will completely destroy the desecrator.  The desecrator also brings trouble to his community.  God considers silver, gold, bronze, and iron to be sacred.  They should be taken care of instead of used for harm.  God set the standards for a reason.  To ignore His standards is to invite a curse upon yourself.
    The Holy Spirit gives special abilities to those that accept the gift of salvation and start following Jesus based on that faith.  The stronger they become on faith, the stronger their spiritual gifts are.  Pagans do not understand.  They are easily misdirected and swept away into worthless religions that are based on idols.  To follow anyone other than Jesus is accursed.  They only way out is through faithful salvation.  It can't be earned.  It leads to gifts that the Holy Spirit gives as he desires, so that no one can deny Jesus.
    God's curse falls on everyone who does not embrace the truth about Jesus.  Even the angels who fell are cursed.  Demons believe, but do not have faith.  It is more than believing the truth.  It is living it and expecting God to provide along the way.  Anyone who preaches anything about God that is not in Bible is cursed.  The whole point is to bring God the glory.  We are His servants, not our own.  Set your eye on the goal and the mission will become clear.

Deuteronomy 21:22-23, Joshua 6:18-19, 1 Corinthians 12:1-3, & Galatians 1:8-10

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