Sunday, October 8, 2023



    Account is a report of an experience or event.  It can be a record of financial history too.  It is considered in a specific way.  A Christian account is our testimony.
    Jesus knew the thoughts of the people around him.  Some people are easy to read, but he read people's hearts.  He understood their motivations better than anyone.  That is why his word had more impact than anyone else.  W can only read the surface or learn more in relationships.  Jesus was part of our creation, so he knows us better than we know ourselves.
    He gave us warning.  We are useless to anyone or anything is we are divided.  It leaves Satan room to enter our minds and hearts.  That is why we need to be decisive in our choices.  Get as much information as you can, but make a choice and stick to it.  Otherwise Satan will destroy everything you are working toward.
    Jesus had the power to cast out demons.  To follow him means that you can cast out demons.  It is not a game.  You need to be strong in your faith with no doubts or you and/or others could be hurt.  Faith is powerful.  It is smart to embrace that power.  Satan can't do anything unless Jesus allows it.  That is the faith that gives us power to follow Jesus through anything.
    If you are not working with Jesus, then you are working against Jesus.  However, if you repent, then any past sin will be forgiven.  The only sin that is not forgiven is blasphemy.  If you are not a Christian, then you it is just with all your other sins.  If you are a Christian, then you are going to have to account for your words, heart, and actions that led to blasphemy on judgment day.
    It is your testimony that reveals your heart.  You will either produce good deeds or bad deeds.  The good deeds will produce treasures, but bad deeds will produce evil.  We will all give an account, so we might as well live honestly now.  Be honest with yourself, God, and other people.  Every word we speak will either acquit or condemn us on that fateful day.

Matthew 12:25-37

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