Saturday, October 7, 2023



    According is a state to be in.  It is a formal way of stating depending on or whether something will happen or not.  It is kind of a limbo word that connects two things.  If they do not connect, then the word has no value.
    When Elizabeth was six month pregnant with the baby that would become John the Baptist, an angel of God went to Mary.  Mary a virgin.  She was engaged to be married and lived a virtuous life.  The angel named Gabriel shook her world to the core by what he told her.  She was favored by God, that God was with her, and that she would give birth to His son without losing her virginity.  
    She stayed a virgin because of the miracle that the Holy Spirit performed on her body.  This son's kingdom will never end.  With God anything is possible.  Gabriel told her about her extended cousin Elizabeth being pregnant when she had always been barren.  He sent Mary to her to find comfort and support.  Mary accepted what the angel said accordingly and followed her instructions without hesitation.
    The Son of Mary did incredible things while he was on earth, but it is what he did after he died that changed everything.  If you believe his life according to how it is recorded by numerous people, then you are free from condemnation.  You belong to his power that fuels your life through the Holy Spirit.  You can live in freedom without fear or confusion.
    The law gives us boundaries, but it also reveals our sinful nature.  Jesus showed us how we can live within the law, but not be tied down by it to suffocate in guilt or judgment.  What Jesus did for us puts the law in perspective according to his sacrifice because he fulfilled the law giving us the ability to move past our sinful nature.
    According to what is written in the Bible, faith gives you eternal life in peace instead of judgment.  You can live your life in confidence in your relationship with God.  You can trust that he hearts your prayers and cares about your life.  If you ask with a heart aligned with the Holy Spirit, then you will be granted your prayers.  We are all responsible for our own life and eternal life.  
    We can't pray anyone else into Heaven or Hell.  Jesus gave us an understanding of this.  Live in fellowship and find strength with other Christians to live a life without a sinful nature.  Help each other keep a pure heart.
    There will be a new Heaven and a new Earth according to the promises of God.  God never breaks His promises, so we can believe that it is true.  Before anyone can enter the new realm, they must face God and His Book of Life.  If your name is not in that book according to the promises throughout the Bible, then you will not enter the new realm.  You will be judged according to how you lived your life.  It is all recorded in the Book of Life.  
    Those that will face the final judgment will be tossed into the sea of all the other bodies.  It is a sea of death, fire, and pain.  It is the second death, the eternal death where there will never be a moment of peace, joy, or without pain.  This is the worst possible outcome, but it is your choice.

Luke 1:26-38, Romans 8:1-4, 1 John 5:13-21, & Revelations 20:11-15

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