Friday, October 6, 2023



    Accomplish is to achieve your goals or have complete success in something you did.  It is something you should be proud of doing.  It is something that makes you feel good about your day, life, or self-being.
    Salvation is an accomplishment that you did not earn, but you get to reap the benefits.  If your soul is thirty, then turn to God.  You will be filled.  It changes the way you see the world and how things are done.  You can stop spending on money on things that don't matter.  You can start investing in what matters in the world: eternal life, the journey, and other people.
    Listen to the Holy Spirit and read God's Word to find life of unfailing love.  Open your eyes to see God's display of power.  It is evident all around you.  Seek God and you will find Him because He is closer than you think.  Those that will not will be banished in the end.  
    God wants to give us mercy.  He wants to forgive us of our sins.  Why not let Him?  God's thoughts are not like people thoughts.  His ways are not like humanities ways.  His go far beyond what we can comprehend.  Yet, He always takes care of us.  The same with His word.  His Word accomplishes all that He wants and allows us to prosper where ever it goes.  It is an ever lasting sign of His power.
    God gave Jeremiah a message about what needs to be accomplished.  God knows us.  He knew us before we were put in our mother's womb.  He knows our path and purpose before we are born.  This should encourage us not to be afraid of what God ask us to do in life.  He cared enough to create us, then we should trust that He will protect what He created.
    Stand firm in the convictions that God places on your heart.  Don't be afraid to remove the people that cause you to stumble or hinder the path that God put you on.  Don't be afraid to uproot your life to follow Jesus.  God is watching and He will carry out His plans with or without you.  You might as well be a part of it.  God will take care of your terror, persecutors, or anyone or thing that causes you inner turmoil.  It is just done in His timing, not yours.  Through Him, anything can be accomplished.

Isaiah 55 & Jeremiah 1:4-16

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