God created us to have a life that matters. He gave us responsibilities, but privilege too. It is a privilege to be alive. It is our responsibility to love those around us with all we can. You life may not be in the spotlight. It may never draw in a crowd, but it does not mean that you do not have impact in the world around you.
We need to desire to have the favor of God in our lives. It is what allows us not to feel alone even when we may be utterly alone in life. It gives us the desire to reach out and make connections with other people because you can feel His presence and encouragement. It is what makes you feel special even if no one else can see that you are special.
God's favor influences your lifestyle, habits, and attitude toward life. When you truly understand what God has done in your life, then you treat other people differently. You care more. You want to be better than you were. You want other people to experience the peace and joy in their soul that you have because of Him.
To have the favor of God begins with listening to the Holy Spirit. He will help you fine tune your natural gifts and spiritual gifts to serve God. The thing is when you have the favor of God, your life in no longer about you. It is about serving Him and seeing that it brings more into your life than when you lived for yourself.
Part of listening there is reading the Bible and prayer. We have to study God's Word to know how to live obediently. The Holy Spirit and Jesus will help you understand the best way to apply those laws, but it comes down to doing everything in holy love. Prayer is open communication between you and God, but that means that you have to be still to listen. You can't be the only one talking. It is the only way you will know His voice over your own self-talk or Satan's temptations.
Next step of obtaining the favor of God is to walk in His will. This will come more naturally if you are listening. The Holy Spirit is our 24/7 counselling service. He is there to help guide you at any time of the day or night. All you have to do is seek Him. Stop and wait until things are clear. God is not on our time frame. He may be teaching you patience by making you wait. Stay focused on Him and you will be ready to go when He says go.
You have to listen because when He speaks it is usually quietly (unless He is angry). He speaks to your mind, conscience, and emotions. You need to have control over your emotions because they sway like the ocean. Sometimes smooth and calm. At other times stormy and tremulant. They are influenced by hormones, environment, and mental status. They are not always reliable, but they are a great warning system when things are not right. When things aren't right, that is when you need to be still and have a conversation with God.
To have God's favor it is vital that you learn His voice over all the chaos in life. How can you have a relationship if you don't know His voice? You can hear it in the scripture. You can hear his whispers in your mind during life events. It is more than knowing His voice. It is knowing how He communicates and delivers messages to you. Basically it comes down to being in-tune with God. You find your flow with Him and try not to get out of step.
God is consistent. Our mishaps or miscommunications come from our side of things. We struggle with earthly desires that like to distract us from Him. We are like dogs that see a squirrel. We have the best intentions and enjoy our walks with Him, but then something distracts us and we get into trouble. That is why we (unlike dogs) need to challenge our faith. There is no time or room for doubt. We have to figure out what we really believe and strengthen it.
The last step of being in favor with God is having the courage to follow Him no matter where He may lead you. Trust that He will provide for the needs that you have and will have. It is clear and specific how He takes care of you because it is personalized. Your relationship with God is not generic. It is special.
When God needs to get our attention He allows us to get restless. He will do what He needs to do to make us take action. We like being comfortable, but following God is rarely too comfortable. Even if your life looks cushy and pleasant, God is asking you to do things that make you personally uncomfortable.
God will use other people to get His message across to you if you ignore his quiet instructions. Again, you need to know His voice so that the people trying to influence you do not lead you astray. Some people have their own agenda and it is not usually in your best interest. It is in their best interest. God always has your best interest in mind.
Stop and think about all He has done for your recently. Look at all the blessings He is giving you. That is the favor of God. Seeing it is your choice. In return ask God what He wants from your life. Following Him leads to a better life, even if it may not appear like it to the world.
Genesis 6:5-8, Psalm 32:8-9, & 2 Corinthians 9:6-10
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