Monday, November 13, 2023

Know God Through Service


    There are qualities of a servant of God.  The more you learn about the qualities and how to apply them, the more you get to know God and why you do the acts of service.  Things to think about is why you do the things that you do.  Not everything we do has the right intent.  The intent should be to glorify God.  
    Face your interior struggles with Jesus.  He was the perfect servant.  He wants to help you through your struggles and show you a better way. He did not come to Earth with advice, but the good news.  He suffered, so that we can prosper.  To serve and get to know God is to understand his sacrifice and why he did it.  It will bring your ministry to life.  It will give your life light.  It will give hope where there is only discouragement.
    Jesus is the pattern.  We are the material.  God is the designer.  The Holy Spirit gives us vision to make it all come together to make what we are supposed to be.  Jesus taught us God's Will and how to apply God's Word.  He teaches us that resistance means judgment.  We have to be prepared to be of service.    
    Service is to go out to those that do not know God and introduce them to God, heal the sick, raise the dead, cure deadly ailments, cast out demons, and give your time willingly for the service of God.  That makes us warriors to live an labor in faith no matter how discouraging life may become.
    Our confidence comes from Jesus who will help up persevere.  He start with our own salvation and maturity.  Then we reach out to the community in form of a ministry.  That means we have to be a part of that community.  We need to be loving and relatable to foreigners, poor, weak, addicts, homeless, and anyone that God places before you
    If you are not prepared, then you will fail.  You will fall into temptation.  You will listen to the lies that Satan whispers into you minds.  Being ill prepared for life makes you vulnerable and weak in faith.  
    We have to serve sacrificially to understand and know God better.  He will test our motivations to reveal weak spots to us, not to be judgmental.  It is for our benefit.  We can live a life of service and it still be about us more than about Him.  
    We have to understand our motivations, life changes, and be fueled by God's Word and prayer to be able to really serve God in a manner that brings us closer to Him instead of independent from Him.  He made us with a purpose.  Don't waste your life pushing Him away and grow in your faith.

Isaiah 49:1-7, Matthew 10:5-8, Luke 24:44-49, Acts 3:24-26, & Romans 1:16-17

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