Sunday, November 12, 2023

Christian Service


    We are how we act and what we say.  We live a crooked or transcendent path of God.  There is no in-between.  There is no balance in Christianity.  We need balance not to live in extremes, but not in faith.  God doesn't need your advice, but He loves to hear you ask for advice.  He will teach you about the unseen world.
    We need to think about our service for God and then rethink with prayer to make sure that we are walking a straight toward God instead of veering off.  We need to consider if our lives are holy, loving, and humble to walk purely with Jesus.  Investigate your motives to be able to stay close to Jesus.  Do you adjust your life for His service or do you do what you desire before anything else?  Are you available to God in a moments notice or do you need to fit Him into your schedule?
    We are all servants.  We serve Satan or we serve God in all that we do.  If you want to server God, then you need a heart of service for people in love.  You have to sacrifice time for God, risk being in trouble with people, and build a life of substance.  Self-service is a blight to service for God.  It is a burden that sucks your energy.  You look for a life of reward and results when the results may not come for many many years.  A selfish lifestyle makes you mood and insensitive.
    We can learn humility through how we see that Jesus lived.  All he did was in service to people and God.  Whomever your master is will determine how you live your life.  If you want to serve God, then you need perspective in life about what is right and allowing God to rule over every aspect, not just the parts that make you comfortable.
    God holds His dynasty.  He is in control over the world, the galaxy, all life, and more.  He is the creator of everything that is original.  He is the provider for eternity for those that follow Jesus.  There are so few true servants to God and so many that claim the title and reward of Christianity.  False servant's kingdoms will be destroyed, but the righteous will uphold over time.  
    All you do in life, do it for God.  Pray, preach ,warn, and love in service to God.  Stop being a people pleaser and live boldly to please God.  Take the time to get to know Him and see Him clearly.  We may never fully understand God, but we understand enough to follow and serve Him.  Praise God for the life you have and your spiritual gifts to use in your life for Him.

Psalm 103:19-22, Romans 11:33-36, Colossians 1:15-120, 1 Timothy 6:15-16, &1 Peter 4:10-11 

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