Saturday, November 11, 2023



    An advocate is a person that pleads for another's cause.  They help defend and comfort the person that they are standing strong on behalf.  Jesus is the advocate that all advocates should aspire to be like.  He was called to live along side people when he could have just stayed in Heaven. He went from perfection to this world to try to connect and make life better for everyone.  In the process he opened the door for us to have eternal life in his comfort.
    The earth will not conceal the blood of the innocent forever.  Heaven is the witness of all wrongs done on earth.  The original advocate is there on the innocent victim's behalf.  The innocent may be scorned here.  They may cry for their injustice, but the Holy Spirit mediates on their behalf.  
    Jesus commanded us to obey the commandments if you love him.  God sent the Holy Spirit to be our advocate after Jesus departed the world.  The Holy Spirit is here until Jesus returns.  You are not abandoned in this world to live it out alone.  Jesus has revealed Him self as the comforter that we all need.  
    The Holy Spirit is your advocate that represents God.  He teaches us everything that we need to know and will remind us of what Jesus taught.  Jesus left him to live in this world to give us peace of mind and heart, so we do not live in fear.  He taught us what love really is.  The command over all commands it to love each other.  If we do that, then the other commands will come easier.
    The Holy Spirit is the advocate for truth that comes from God and testified through Jesus.  Do not abandon your faith when life gets hard.  It can be hard at times to follow Jesus, but he warned us of that.  He prepared us to expect evil to oppose us and try to make us doubt our path.  Do not grieve, but lean into the Holy Spirit for comfort.  The Holy Spirit is the best gift that God gave us to help up live life faithfully.
    Jesus was the advocate to teach us how not to sin.  The Holy Spirit is the advocate that pleads our case when we do sin to God.  It is all based on love.  That is the only way we can be righteous.  Jesus sacrificed and atoned for use because of love.  Holy Spirit stays with us out of love.  God created us out of love.  When we learn how to love faithfully, then we are righteous even if we are not perfect.  

Job 16:18-22, John 14:16-16:7, 1 John 2:1-2

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