Friday, November 10, 2023



    An advisor is a counselor.  God does not need human counselors, but we do need counsel at times.  A counselor is a confident advisor.  An advisor is someone you consult.  They give their opinion or instruction as a judgment of conduct.  It is a serious business and some advisors should keep it to themselves.
    Good advisors will help you be a good servant of God.  They will guide you on how to live in obedience to God's Word.  They may open your eyes to the truth through instruction.  A good advisor would never hide the truth from you that God rebukes arrogance and if you wonder away from Him, you curse yourself.  They will not insult or scorn you for obeying God's laws because the laws give you advice on how to live the best life.
    Good children bring joy to their parents, but foolish children hate their parents and bring them pain.  Foolishness has no sense.  You can tell who lives foolishly by the path they take in life.  A sensible person will stay on God's path.  We need advice on our plans to keep them from going wrong.  The more advisors you have the better success it will bring you.  Finding the right words at the right time brings joy to the advisees.  It will lead to life instead of death.
    A wise person is strong.  Their knowledge grows stronger through good sense over time.  We need advise on the knowledge that we have to act with wisdom.  We need to know when it is time to go to war and when to make peace.  The victory depends on the advisors.  The more Godly advisors you have the more likely you will do the right thing.  A fool will have nothing worth listening to, but a wise person's words are valuable.

Psalm 119:17-24 & Proverbs 15:20-24, 24:5-7

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