Friday, December 22, 2023

Forgiveness Part 2


    Forgiveness is an action taken to forgive or in the process to forgive.  It is a conscience decision backed up by action.  Sometimes it takes more than once to decide to forgive before the process is complete and you are able to let the offense go.  Forgiveness doesn't just happen.  
    Forgiveness is possible because of Jesus.  He taught us how to forgive and why.  Forgiveness is powerful.  It causes a reaction of gratitude or anger because it spot lights what the offense was in them.  Forgiveness can cause the forgiven to change or to turn it around on the forgiver.  The forgiven sometimes chooses faultfinding in the forgiver instead of accepting the forgiveness and changing to make things better.  It comes down to where your heart is at that time.  
    Jesus was accused of blasphemy when he forgave people of sins, but that was because the Pharisees had a hard heart.  They could not accept who Jesus was because that means everything they knew and built their life on was going to change.  It changed anyway, but they did not accept it.  Instead they sought to get rid of the root of the change.
    Jesus is the only person that can forgive us of our sins, but other people can forgive us of the hurt that our sin caused them.  The theology is right.  It is the religious culture that was wrong.  They held onto their knowledge so tightly that they were not able to see past the knowledge to the truth behind it.  Jesus knew their hearts and minds.  He was prepared.  Jesus understands you too.
    Once sin is forgiven, then healing can begin.  It is easier to heal than to forgive, but it has to come in that order.  Forgiveness improves the physical condition.  Forgiveness from God heals the soul and guarantees you a place in heaven.  Who would not want that?
    The point is that Jesus it the point of divine authority over forgiveness and healing.  What good is it to be healed to only die later and still go to hell.  It is better to stay ill and have salvation.  True healing comes through your spiritual condition.  Forgiveness can open the doors to physical, emotional, financial, and other healing.
    Faith is the start to forgiveness.  You have to believe that Jesus is God born in a human body by a human mother.  You have to believe that he lived a fully human life with his God powers.  You have to believe that he died on the cross to save all people from their bondage to sin.  You have to believe that he rose from the dead past the point that it could ever scientifically be possible and then ascended to heaven fully God, but still in a human body, after having a significant amount of witnesses and forgiving those that needed it to be able to move on in their own lives.
    Pray that you get to know Jesus better.  Pray that God's Word becomes real to you.  Pray for understanding and wisdom.  Pray for forgiveness where ever the Holy Spirit prompts you.  Eternal life is too important to ignore.  You can have a real relationship with Jesus.  It just doesn't look like any of your personal relationships with anyone else.
    Faith is the only way to eternal forgiveness.  Analyzing, comparing, minimizing, or rationalizing sin gets you no where.  Accept your sin, ask for forgiveness, and move on.  All sin is repulsive.  No sin will enter heaven.  That perfection will not be tainted.  Take responsibility for your own sin without excuses.  Acknowledge that you have done offensive and repulsive things and find forgiveness.

Nehemiah 9:16-18, John 17:1-5, & Romans 5:12-17

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