Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Mercy Part 2


    Mercy is compassion.  It is the ability to forgive someone that you could punish or retaliate and harm.  If you refuse to forgive, then you are refusing the gift that God is trying to give you.  You have every right to get even by getting back at people that harm you, but it doesn't make you look any better than them.  After all an eye for an eye.
    Retaliation makes you look petty and it would never be as good as what God could do to make them pay.  It is not our place to play God.  If you decide you are going to get even, then you are playing God.  It is just better to let God handle the situation and you let go of all the anger and hurt.  This requires trust.  You can't do that if you don't trust God to handle the situation in the best way.
    God's way is always better than anything you can come up with, but it does require patience.  His timing almost never aligns with what you think is the right time.  Release your enemy to Him and move on with your life forgetting them.  Unforgiveness is an attitude that says I am better than God.  It is not the attitude you want to have or you may find yourself being the one facing God's punishment instead of your enemy.
    Unforgiveness is a sign of pride.  God forgave you and gave you salvation.  What right do you have to withhold forgiveness from those who seek it.  It is hard to forgive those that don't seek forgiveness and have no intention stopping what hurts you.  You have to find a way to release them of their sins against you and push the sins as far away from you as possible, so that you don't also have to fight bitterness.  This requires humility.
    Mercy requires forgiveness.  You have to let go and allow them to move on with their lives, so that you can move on with yours.  Why stay their captive when most of the time they don't even care enough to know that they hurt you, why, or even how they hurt you.  Move on and focus on the relationship that brings you life: you and God.
    Anger can build up and will stop you from growing in healthy relationships.  This lifestyle attitude will steal your peace and make Satan happy because he won that battle.  Instead find freedom in forgiveness.  Unforgiveness literally steal years from your life by aging you and causing health issues.  Stay young and healthy by forgiving.  
    Trade in your pride for humility and live carefree because God resist the unforgiving heart.  Replace bitterness with kindness.  God did good for us when we continued to reject and ignore Him.  He could have destroyed all mankind a million times over, but He loves us.  We can learn to love like Him.  
    Learn to love out of respect for Jesus.  Learn to forgive and find mercy because this is what Jesus did for you with the gift of salvation.  We have been warned.  If we do not find mercy in our hearts, then we may loose all that God has given us in return.

Daniel 4:27, Luke 1:46-56, Romans 12:19-20, Ephesians 4:31-32, Hebrew 2:16-18, & James 4:4-6

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