Friday, December 1, 2023

Significantly Single


    God created a woman for a man so that the man could have a partner in life.  Marriage is designed by God to make life fuller.  However, not everyone has a partner in life.  Being single is not a curse, punishment, or anything bad.  It can be lonely at times, but there are a lot of benefits to being single too.
    Being single helps you appreciate companionship if you ever find it.  However, if you do not ever find companionship in a person, then you can still have a complete and significant life.  Churches need to stop focusing strictly on the family and see the gift that they have in their singles and older generation that may have lost their partners in life.  The single ministry can be one of the strongest because they are able to give undivided attention to God and service.
    Man was good on his own, but it was not good for him to be alone.  The same goes for singles.  We may not have a spouse, but we still need companionship.  That is why if a church provides a singles ministry, then singles can find companionship, unity, inclusion together.  Singles need other singles to not be isolated in the world.  Singles need the unifying companionship of other singles to thrive.  
    God created marriage as a form of worship through unity.  It is meant to populate the world and it is a blessing.  God knows that loneliness is not good.  That is one of the main reasons why marriage is a blessing.  Singles can become lonely and isolated very quickly, even if they are active in their church.  They tend to have a feeling of not fitting in or able to related to all the couples and families.  
    Today singles can be a beacon of holy morality in the world around them.  Too many "families" are starting outside of marriage.  The meaning of marriage is losing it's importance.  Strong single Christians in the church can show the youth a better way to live their lives.
    Marriage requires compromise.  Being single does not.  Life is not perfect.  If you want to find perfection in marriage, then you will be disappointed.  You need to find yourself in your relationship with God, then you can become the best spouse that you can be.  However, you will not be perfect and neither will your spouse.
    When Adam was single (no matter how short that time was), God was with him.  God is with the singles, so that we don't have to be lonely.  He is there to guide us.  We have God even if we may not have anyone else.  God made Eve in His timing for Adam.  God made Eve out of love for Adam to be a blessing.
    We don't need to rush.  We may feel like our time as a single has been too long, but there is a reason.   You can discover that reason in your alone time with God.  God's love for us is unchanging.  That is why if we find someone, then we need to use discernment.  Don't get caught up in the romance.  Instead make sure it is a blessing from God and a union that would be blessed by God.
    God put Adam asleep before He took bone and flesh from Adam to make Eve.  Adam had it easy.  He never had to go out looking for a spouse.  He never had to question if Eve was the one for him.  She was literally made from him, for him.  He was the prototype that set the standard for marriage.  Marriage was designed to be one male and one female.  
    Women, you may feel the maternal clock ticking.  Do not let that rush you into a relationship that God never intended.  Do not marry someone not ready for you or give to you from God.  It is much better to be single than with the wrong person.  Plus, look at Sarai.  She had her son at 90.  God can still provide a family.  It just may not look like the picture you had in your head.  God's family for you will be better though.  It will fit you better.
    Search the scriptures for yourself to put up guard rails to protect yourself from falling for the wrong person for you.  The person could be great.  He may not even be bad for you, but you still need to wait for the one that God has chosen for you.  It will be different.  It will fit.  You will still have to work at your marriage like any other couple, but it will be blessed by God.
    Singles need to go to the Holy Spirit for comfort and guidance.  They need to seek Biblical counsel to help them not make rash or foolish decisions that could affect the rest of their lives.  We need to accept the circumstances that God has placed us in right now because circumstances are always changing.  Be aware of your vulnerabilities and find an accountability partner to help you be strong in your faith.
    Christian singles have no right to date unbelievers.  Dating is meant to be a special period of getting to know each other in a new way with the intent of marriage.  Christians are not to marry non-Christians.  Set your bar high.  Know your worth as a child of God and how your marriage is supposed to glorify Him.  How can it glorify God if you are married to someone that does not honor God?
    Marriage is a commitment that should be unified in the commitment to God.  There are no exceptions to this rule.  If you chose to ignore it, then you need to understand you are choosing to sin.  The standard is to have a heart that seeks God.  Don't let your emotions or feelings cause you to sin.
    When you do marry, you go from two singles to one unified couple.  It is the closest thing we can see to the God Triad.  You are two people, but you are meant to work as one in union with God.  
    If you are called to stay single, do not allow yourself to feel like a misfit.  It is a battle for your mind.  Being single is hard, but so is marriage.  Don't look at married people and think how much better off they are for having someone.  Instead look at your blessings as a single person.  Also look at your weakness.
    A single person is vulnerable without an accountability partner.  They can fall into sin easier because they don't have people looking at them as much as a married couple.  They can become selfish because they don't have people in the home to put before themselves.  Singles need close relationships just like married people do.
    To be significantly singles is to find supernatural contentment in your singleness. You have freedom to serve in a way that married people do not.  You can have a stronger focus on your relationship with God.  Your distractions can be minimized.  You do not have to deal with the struggles of marriage (fighting your unique qualities to make the marriage work).  You can love yourself the way God loves you and see the true value you have because He made you exactly how you are.  You can also build strong relationships with other single Christians and find companionship that way.
    Stand on the promises of God and you can fight anything Satan throws at you like loneliness, awkwardness, or negative feelings like worthlessness.   Some people may feel sorry for you for being single.  That is their deal, not yours.  It just proves that they don't know how to be alone and not lonely.  Find your purpose in this world and throw yourself into it as long as you are seeking the kingdom of God first.  God has you.  He will take care of you.  You don't have to look like everyone else to be happy, content, and serve God.

Genesis 2:18-25, Matthew 6:31-35, 19:11-12, 1 Corinthians 7: 8-32, & 2 Corinthians 6:14-18

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