Saturday, December 2, 2023

God's Design for People


    God created all people.  He created man and women to be different.  If there is any confusion on who is a man, who is a woman, and what the roles are, then that comes from Satan.  God made it clear.  He created us with a design to be holy, pure, and have a relationship of worship (not slavery, but love).
    God is the designer of all living things and universal things.  He made people different from anything else.  He established us to have minds that can work things out, be creative, emotional, relational, and understand boundaries.  We can pretend we don't know things, but we do know the difference between right or wrong.  His authority and order is what is right.  Anything else is wrong.
    There is not one person ever created in a woman's womb that is an accident, mistake, or wrong.  God created you and everyone else specific with a purpose.  Nothing that God does is random.  Look the in the mirror and take it in.  Take in everything that is unique about you.  That is part of God's design.  You are a part of something bigger than yourself.  You are loved and you are beautiful.
    God made you.  Not your parent.  Not yourself.  Not some cosmic thing.  God is the designer of you.  He take ownership of your existence.  You are His.  However, He gave you the gift of free will, so you can choose to not be part of His family.  You can reject God and all the special things that he designed for your life.  You may have a good life, but it will never be exceptional without following the design He created for you.
    You are something to be respected because you were wonderfully made.  You find your true identity by following Jesus and seeing yourself through God's eyes.  Your life is not random.  How you live your life is accountable to God.  
    God made you to need relationships because we need unity to be strong.  Humanity is the perverted version of what God created.  It came from nothing but the influence of Satan to make us see the world in a different way than the design of God.  God's design gives life and this world essence.  Humanity is culture and always changing.  It does not last.  It does not hold substance for life.
    Things to look for to see God's design is see how you are distinguished from all other creatures and non-Christians.  To follow Jesus is to see things more clearly and you start to see the difference between you and them.  However, we need to look for the aspects that unify us with other Christians or we will isolate ourselves and loose focus.
    A famous aspect to God's design is the number seven.  God designed and created, then found time to rest in seven days.  Seven is the number that represents totality or completion.  Anything that can after that seven days is just the artist finessing to give more variety and beauty to the world around us.  However, the design of people has not changed.  We were made perfect and were designed before the world was created.  We just don't come into existence until it is our time.
    Humans are the only beings designed in the image of God.  That automatically connects us to God in a biological manner.  We can't be erased or fundamentally changed.  We are who God made us to be.  To try to change His design is a perversion to His beautiful masterpiece.  God chose your sex.  It is binding and not optional.  This is the truth from God.  It is not hard to understand, but it can be hard for some people to accept.
    God commanded us to be fruitful and multiply.  That is part of God's perfect design.  Some people are not able to have children.  That does not mean that they are flawed.  It just means that biology is affected by the sins of the world and God made a different purpose for these women. 
    Some people stay single or find themselves single, so they don't have the opportunity to follow that command in Holy way.  God still has a purpose for you.  You can help take care of the world He created in a different way.  He designed us to work and live together in harmony to rule over this world in His name.  Satan was never supposed to have that job.
    Married people are meant to enjoy sex, but the design was to conceive children.  The home should be fun and intimate, but it is also about establishing a home that honors God.  It is about building social structure from the home into society.  God did not design us to be spoiled, selfish, or self focused.  
    God made us complex beings.  Our lives are complex.  We need the guidance of the Holy Spirit to simplify things.  He helps us understand what is right and what is wrong.  He helps us distinguish between feelings and truth.  He made us delicately and marvelously.  We should be thankful for who we are and how He made us.

Genesis 1:26-28, Psalm 100, & 139:13-14

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