Sunday, December 3, 2023

God's Design for Men


    God made people distinct by design.  We are made in His image, but we are not equal to Him.  It was humans that were seduced by Satan to bring evil into the world.  That means we are the reason why the world is no longer perfect.  We allowed the gift of perfection to be tainted.  That alone would have made us inferior to God.
    God created humans to be the head of all living things in the world.  We are meant to protect and help life thrive.  When sin was introduced, so was the death of animal.  Sin required blood to atone.  The world was vegetarian and happy.  Food probably was not a necessity, but an honor or extra to enjoy all aspects of life.  Sin turned us into hunters because blood is the source of life along with air.  We have to take blood to steal air from animals to live now.
    We were made to be superior to all living things on earth, but now the world runs wild.  We were made in God's image as an honor.  We were tributes to God's greatness.  Now people deny that He even exist.  However, God still loves us.  That is why since the entrance of sin, God keeps giving us opportunities to do better.  We are not equal to God, but we are distinct to God and His design.
    We can learn how to live better by learning more about the God trinity.  God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are three distinct parts of God, but they work together in perfect unity.  There is no power struggle.  No jealousy.  There is nothing between them that is not good and holy.  They are not the same, but they are equal.  Humans are the closest thing in all of God's creation that can understand this and accept it.
    God created us to be phycological and have the ability to learn and understand all sorts of things.  He created us to have a body like His. He gave us emotions to feel everything.  God is unchangeable and he ordained us to serve Him at our creation.  
    God's initial design (before we messed everything up) was for all life to have balance.  That means mentally, physiologically, and emotionally.  He designed beauty.  Everything in the world was beautiful.  Nothing was tainted, ruined, or would ever expire or die.  We introduced death to everything in this world.  
    God created us to bless us.  He never wanted curses placed in this world.  However, sin brings curses.  The world was meant to be fun and enjoyed in all aspects.  It is real, but it was better.  Life was perfect.  Everything was perfect.  
    It was people that went against the design of God and ruined perfection.  It was not God.  The world we live in today is because of the decisions that we made and are still making.  It was people that brought in stereotypes, culture, humanity, and prejudices.  It is people that hated differences instead of seeing the beauty that God gave us in diversity in color, size, and personalities.  When we resist God's design we always end up misusing the power that God gave us as a blessing to be human.
    We need to learn more about what makes us different and what makes us the same to understand God's design for it.  There is no room for shallow people.  We all need to become strong and faithful.  It can be hard because theology can easily be misinterpreted or misunderstood.  That is why when you are learning from someone else, you need to be in God's Word and pray discernment.  Make sure the message is coming from God and not human perspective.
    Men need to work.  God designed them to be the leaders.  They need to take control of their human desires and find motivation to do whatever it takes to serve God.  Women need to learn that service is good, but God designed men to lead over women.  That does not give men the right to abuse their role or be a tyrant.  They need to lead the women lovingly and the women will serve willingly.  God gave us our names, roles, and purpose in life.  It benefits everyone if we follow His design.
    The importance of God's design is the relationship it provides for us to have with God.  It is encoded in our DNA.  That means we can't escape the need to have a relationship with Him.  We can try, but it will only lead to pain, misery, and emptiness.  Adults need to lead the children to this truth.  The earlier the better because it will make their lives better.  When we are teaching we need to focus on age appropriate ways to guide them to seek God for themselves.  
    To live a fulfilled life, we need to fully embrace our roles that He gave us.  We need to understand God's heart, so that we can willingly change our own hearts to be more like His.  If we follow God's design, then we can avoid complete anarchy in society.  We have more influence than we may think.  Do not be deceived and resist.  Instead trust God and follow His design for you.

Genesis 1:26-28, Genesis 2, Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Proverbs 22:6, & Romans 9:20-24

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