Friday, December 8, 2023

The Curse


    The first curse placed was on the first family that ever existed.  The curse was placed on Adam and Eve when they chose to disobey God.  They introduced sin into the world and the that meant that they introduced the curse of death into existence.  In the church world we call it the fall.
    The fall is the that man fell out of communion with God.  We lost that close relationship and then try to rationalize it and explain why evil was okay.  It is human nature to blame others.  That is why it takes so much character to stand up and admit that you sinned and did wrong.  That is why that is what you have to do with God and accept Jesus to break the curse of eternal death.
    The fall introduced moral decline.  That is why Christians are commanded to follow Jesus.  We are expected to live above the human laws and expectations to show the world a better way.  People began at the top.  Life could not get better, but then sin took all that away and we fell to the bottom of the lowest darkest place.  That is why we need to find the light.
    God gave us the gift of free will.  It is the gift of being able to make choices and not just have life happen to you.  You get a say in your story.  It opens to the doors to so many opportunities, but it also means we are able to choose sin.  
    Choice provides joy and celebration.  You can celebrate a full and righteous life or you can celebrate the superficial short lived life that you chose, but you get a full range of emotions.  God wants you to chose what is right, but He will not make you.  When you sin He wants you to show remorse and seek forgiveness, but He will not make you feel anything you don't want to feel.
    You feel your emotional state.  Whatever you focus on will affect your mental status.  If you focus on everything that you did wrong the world or what is wrong with the world, then you will be depressed.  If you focus on God and trying to follow Him, then you will have joy and a healthy outlook on life.  Do not let worry consume you because nothing steals your joy quicker than anxiety.  
    God warns His people.  He never does anything without you having full disclosure first.  He set up His standards and gave us commands.  It is our choice to listen and obey.  If we choose not to, then we choose the curse of spiritual death.  Christians will not lose their salvation, but they will lose the respect of the community, closeness to God, and spiritual power.  
    It is your choice to trust or doubt God, live dependent or independent of God, obedient or disobedient to God.  It is human instinct to listen to Satan because he is just so charming.  He tells you everything you want to hear and then once he has you, he rips it all away and consumes what makes you special.  It is your choice on who you follow.  
    Satan makes you forget that sin is anything that goes against God and that it is your choice.  He makes life without God look appealing, appetizing, alluring, and attractive.  He hides the reality of what following him leads to.  God is transparent while Satan is manipulative and twist the truth to tear you up.  Will you follow life or death?
    The curse was brought into existence through sin.  The curse is death and eternal separation from God.  It is an eternal life of pain, loneliness, and regret.  God gave us freewill.  He knew that no one will make the right choice every time.  He was prepared.  Jesus was always going to be the sacrifice to cover the curse.  .
    God is wise, truthful, and righteous.  He will give you an out from Satan's lies that place doubt, fear, and disease into your mind and body.  Satan makes everything look better if you walk away from God, but the cost is way too high.  He never tells you about the hidden fees that will consume your existence and destroy all that you truly love over time.  
    What Satan does tell you is limited truth.  He wants to limit your reasoning skills because God is the logical choice if you have all the truth.  He wants to manipulate your emotions to the point that they control you instead of your mind.  He can sway emotions easier than your discerning mind.   He will cause you to hide from God and feed you shame and embarrassment. 
    The only way out of the curse that was set into motion at the beginning of time is to choose Jesus.  Choose a life that may not appear better on the surface, but leads to a freedom that no one else can see or understand.  Choose to live proud of your established relationship with God because it is the most valuable things anyone can possess.

Genesis 3:6-24, Deuteronomy 30:14-15, Joshua 24:14-15, Matthew 7:13-14

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