Sunday, January 21, 2024

Blessing Other People


    God gives us everything we have.  We live a blessed life and we should not horde the blessings.  We need to share what God has given.  If we do not, then we are too full with old blessings that we can't accept new ones.  Blessing others blesses you.
    Bless people with your time.  People that truly care about you will not find you a burden to share their time with you.  That is why your time and energy being invested into them is a blessing.  It is also a blessing to you because it help mold you into the person you are evolving into.  It is why we need to allow others to invest into us too.
    It is a blessing to help people in their struggle.  It is a blessing to you to be able to help and it is a blessing to them to receive it.  The strong need to help the weak to become strong.  Strength takes time and if you leave a weak person on their own, then they are more likely to give up and quit trying.
    The Holy Spirit has eternal depth and we only get a glimpse of it.  He shows us what is right and wrong, true and false.  He leads us to live a life of faith and it comes in levels.  It all starts with perception.  Focus on your walk because some people may look stronger or weaker than they are.  It does not one any good to compare their walk to another.  They are not comparable.  Each walk has its own unique set of circumstances and events.
    It is a blessing to other people to be able to give them context to a situation.  It is a responsibility that should be taken seriously with no interpretations to make things look a particular way.  To have context is to understand the full effects of the cross and the impact it has on today.  
    A strong Christian is spirit filled and knows how to maneuver in the world.  A new or weak Christian can be parasitic.  They will stick to a strong Christian and try to suck them dry.  The strong Christian needs to teach them how to become dependent on God alone.  That is a blessing.
    It is a blessing to help the overly sensitive person get a thicker skin through depth.  Reveal to them how they allow their emotions to rule their lives.  Then, help them learn how to depend on God's truths instead of solely on their emotions.
    The Pharisees were all about the rules.  If you didn't meet them to their standards, then they would judge you.  This put the world in handcuffs.  It is religious behavior that binds people where they can't grow as a spiritual person.  It is a blessing to show them that Christianity is about faith and not just a set of rules.  We obey the rules as the Holy Spirit leads because we love Jesus and what He did for us.  If you don't bless a person with spiritual freedom, then you are leaving them in the hamster wheel and that is cruel.
    We are all in different stages of our Christianity.  We all have different opinions and that does not mean that either are necessarily wrong.  It is a blessing to your fellow Christian to listen with your heart and not just your mind what they are trying to say.  If we listen with spiritual ears instead of a worldly heart, then we could avoid wars, unnecessary judgement, and splintered churches.  
    To be a strong Christian is to be about what Jesus did in his life.  It is striving to be obedient to God's Word in all things.  It is walking by faith instead of the logical path of the world.  It is willingness to be weird or unliked.  It is a blessing because you are willing to carry some extra spiritual baggage, but allow God to take on the majority of the weight.  Encourage people not to give up through your actions more than words.
    The law of Christ is to love and help everyone who needs it.  We all need to stop thinking about what we need as much as we do and think about other people more.  That is how we are blessed for blessing other people.  It is natural to think about your own needs.  You see them day in and out.  You are in your own mind.  It takes effort to think about other people more than yourself.  It goes against the natural world, especially when you help the people that have hurt you.
    Set boundaries.  Set a prayer list to look over daily.  Write down what you need to release to God and let it go.  Take care of you basic needs like making sure you eat, sleep, and work for the expenses you have in life, but don't hold onto the control of it.  That is why boundaries are so important.  If you get depleted, then you can't bless anyone else.  Be compassionate, loving, and patient responsibly and discover refreshment of your spirit to praise God.

Proverbs 11:25, Romans 14:1-4, 15:1-6, & Galatians 6:1-3

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