Wednesday, January 10, 2024

God is Enough


    Zarephath was a hot place.  It was located near Sidon.  It was a pagan nation.  It was not a friendly place for Jews.  It got hotter during the time of the drought that Elijah had declared.  It was not an easy place to live.  It was not a vacation destination, but it is where God led Elijah to be taken care of by a widow.  
    Widows back then were extremely poor.  They couldn't really make a living for themselves in a moral way, so it left them with very few options.  It would be odd that God commanded Elijah, a capable man, to be taken care of by someone who had nothing.  Yet, God did just that.  He had some blessings in mind.  Had Elijah decided to disobey in the attempt to not be a burden upon the widow, then neither would have been blessed.
      God had provided Elijah a creek for comfort, but it eventually dried up in the drought.  Elijah declared the drought, but it was punishment sent by God.  It was meant to serve a purpose, but that does not mean that devout followers of God were not affected too.  
    God still provided for Elijah and those that were faithful even if their story is not recorded.  He allowed Elijah small comforts, but had a purpose for Elijah so He dried the creek to get him moving.  Water is the main resource for life, so Elijah had to get out of hiding to live.  He had to rely on God to provide for his needs.  Today it is the same.  We have to rely on good for water, food, finances, home, family, blessed comforts, and everything else.
    When Elijah met the widow, he asked for water.  Then he asked for some bread.  Since he knew she was poor that was an odd request, but he was following God's direction.  She had to admit to him that she did not have any bread.  
    She was gathering firewood to make the last of the food she had which would be considered a small snack in most people's opinion.  It sounds like she was planning on killing her small son and herself to keep him from starving to death and her from watching is as she starved too.  She was alone in the world with no one to help her.  It was a desperate situation.
    Elijah confidently told her it was okay and do not fear.  He ordered her to go ahead and cook, but make his bread first, then for herself and her son.  It probably sounded heartless, but it was a different culture than what we know today.  He quoted God's promise that was just for her to give her comfort and security.  
    She went and did as he ordered.  Elijah, the widow, and the son lived off her nonexistent food for several days.  Every day, there was just enough food in the containers to feed them for the say.  Every day just enough.  It was not grandeur, but they were taken care of in every way needed.  Just because you don't get everything you want, does not mean that God is not taking care of you.  Be grateful for what you have.
    When things get hard, that is when we need to pray the most.  When it is hard to pray, then we just need to cry out and the Holy Spirit will relay the message clearly to God.  When people make things difficult, we need to pray for them.  
    Pray good things for the people that make your life harder.  It keeps your heart from becoming calloused and if their lives get better then maybe as a perk they will leave you alone.  Don't bother trying to expose people for their sins or wrong treatment of others.  God will take care of that.  You focus on how it affects you and give that to God so He can comfort you.
    Pray for clarity and understanding on your own life.  God puts people in your path for a reason and it is not always to make your life more comfortable.  Some life events would never happen if they were not in your life and they needed to happen to make you who you are.  He sometimes uses the most when you have nothing, so that you and those you help can see how He provides.
    When you pray ask to have your weaknesses revealed, so that you can see them strengthened or healed.  When you are in trouble, pray.  Do not fear life events.  They come and go.  They may unsettle your life, but they can't unsettle your eternal citizenship in Heaven.  No matter what is happening in the world we can live confidently.  We can live freely to serve Him.  

1 Kings 17:7-16, Psalm 46:1-3, 73:26, Acts 10:1-8, 2 Corinthians 5:6-12, Hebrews 4:4-7

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