Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Time to Leave


    It can be difficult to know when it is time to leave a situation or make a major change.  It gets really confusing when you are happy or content in life when God tells you it is time to leave.  We have to trust that there is a reason.  Living our lives is not about comfort.  It is about obedience and trusting that God rewards obedience.  The other option is to be punished for disobedience.
    Elijah obeyed God.  He relied on God in every aspect.  He didn't depend on his feelings or his own understanding of what was happening to him.  When God said to go, he left.  That is everything.  When God commands, we need to obey.  Just like that.  No negotiations, no procrastination, no arguing.  Just obey as the orders are given.
    Obeying God took everything that Elijah had, but he didn't question it.  He had no idea how far his obedience would go in affecting other people.  He didn't know how much good he was doing.  He just wanted to be close to God.  He faced real opposition to give God's message and enforce the consequences of the leadership failing the nation.  After confronting the king, God ordered Elijah to leave for his own safety and he did.
    At the time, Elijah probably only saw the bad.  He didn't just see the drought, he lived in it too.  He felt the affects just like everyone else.  He lived through it.  He heard the complaints, concerns, and fear of other people.  He had no idea that his obedience would bless other people the way it did.  It was hard. 
    Everyone had to endure hardship, but things typically get worse before they get better.  The thing is they only get better because people are willing to work to changes things in attempts to make things better.  They are willing to obey God even if it doesn't make sense.  Those that do obey God typically face more than the people just waiting it out, but they are also blessed more.
    Elijah could have had doubts, but he pushed them aside to serve God.  There was so much negative it would have been easy for him to fall into despair, but he chose to keep his eyes on God.  He had learned contentment in all circumstances.  He accepted the situation for what it was and relied on God to take care of him.  He didn't have a clear picture, but he turned to God to get what he needed.  There is a time for everything.  We just need to rely on God to direct that timing and trust that it is for the best.

1 Kings 17:1-6 & Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

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