Wednesday, January 24, 2024

God Prepares You


    What you give of yourself to Jesus is the measure of your faith.  The more you give the more it shows you trust God.  Faith is surrendering the unknown to God and trusting that He will take care of you and the situation.  This is your ministry.  Nothing you do in the name of God will have any power unless you are able to live by faith.
    God prepares you throughout your life for what is to come next in your journey.  We all have hills and valleys.  We all have struggles getting to both locations.  Every place you are has it beautiful moments that we can hold onto.  We just need to look for them and find the gratitude.  
    God starts preparing you before you are even born.  We join in on His plan when we start to pray.  Not routine or traditional prayer, but praying from your heart.  He uses our prayers to start showing us opportunities in life and guide us on which ones to take and decline.  All your prayers are heard if they come from a sincere heart.
    God prepares your through your prayer life, giving your angels, plans, and privilege.  He made you one of a kind to do something no one else can do.  It may be small in our perspective, but God may be using your contribution to do something big down the road.  Just trust your walk with Him and leave the details to Him.
    God prepares you at your age.  He knows your limitations, but that does not mean that He can't use them.  As long as you don't hold onto the sin of unbelief, you will have purpose.  You can have the strongest faith and still fall.  We are human.  We are fallible.  We need God to be strong.
    God may put inconvenience in your life to prepare you for something else.  It may be to get your attention or to get you back on track.  God doesn't do evil.  He does not put evil in your life, but He will allow evil to happen in your life to serve a purpose.  
    Jesus just wants you to be ready for when he returns to earth.  He wants you to thrive in your salvation now and not just waiting for that day.  He wants you to live a responsible life and take personal responsibility for the choices you make.  He wants you to give him the unnecessary burdens and let go of them completely.  It takes wisdom to know what that is sometimes.
    Yahweh always remembers you.  You are never forgotten, ignored, or abandoned.  He is with you in your journey, even when you may not feel His presence.  There is not reason to doubt that truth.  Your faith will be tested, but that is to help you grow and become strong.  It is a gift, not a punishment.  How can you gain what you are lacking if you are not aware of something missing. 
    Only then can God accomplish more than we ever imagined through us for His glory.  What a ride it can be.  Why just sit by and watch life happen around you.  Get involved.  Live your life.  Allow God to show you how great life can be, even in the small details.

Ezekiel 38:7-9, Matthew 25:1-13, 2 Corinthians 5:1-5, 12:5-10, & Ephesians 3:20-21

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