Thursday, January 25, 2024

Preparing to Serve God


    We all have a purpose in this world according to the promises of God.  This purpose is not to be selfish, but selfless.  It is our job to start working and see how it comes about in finding when to start, where to go, and with whom to serve with.  We start small and God will reveal the path as we move forward.  It is almost never revealed by just sitting around waiting for life to happen.
    The events in your life are preparing you for service.  Sometimes we have to go through some really painful things to be able to be there for someone else.  Jesus had to come down into this world to make it where God was relatable.  Well, we have to go through life to be relatable.  If we had it easy in every aspect of life, then we would never understand people's struggles and they would never want to be close to you.
    Parents raise their children to be prepared for the world.  That means that they need a little hardship in life.  They need to be able to figure things our for themselves so they can handle life.  They need boundaries and discipline to become productive adults.  The catch is the most they learn about life is by watching their parents.  That is why parenting is such a great responsibility and service to God.
    A child raised in a home that serves God knows what is expected.  When they become old enough to make choices about any relationship, then they have the choice to have a relationship with God.  That is no longer on the parents.  It is the child's responsibility to listen for God's calling and respond.  Then they have to listen to the Holy Spirit about their own sin, unique purpose, and plan for their lives.
    The womb is a holy, sacred place where a child is safe and can hear the parents and God.  It is where the mother has the service to carry the child until it is time for the baby to come out.  It is a service to God to respond and honor the call to be a mother.  Even if the mother gives the child up for adoption, it is a sacred service to be able to carry a child and to do it.
    The nation in which you live has a service to God.  It is a privilege to be a citizen of your country.  It gives you rights.  If it is not the nation that serves God, then it is your responsibility to do what you can to make it better.  The nation is called to love and follow God's commands.  It is the only way it will work properly.  
    The nation comes down to families.  So if the family is raising their children to follow God and work together, then they come together with other families.  It builds a community and church.  Then the communities come together and it gets larger until you have a nation that should be holy.  We are preparing the way for the next generation.  If it all falls apart, then that means we did not do our job in preparing them.
    Marriage and children is not something any of us should be flippant about.  Divorce is cruel.  Broken homes hurt the children.  They don't know how to do family if they never had a model to follow.  God can heal all this, but it does make life harder.  We all need to honor our vows and let Godly love lead our homes and nations.
    The world is your witness.  It bore witness to Jesus' life and it bares witness to your salvation.  If you don't trust Jesus in all aspects of life, then the world will see your vulnerability.  Prophets confronted sin to prepare nations for judgment and how to find forgiveness.  Are you doing the same today?  Are you eager to love, help, and show the way?  Do you pray over what you see to know your part in changing things?
    To prepare to serve God it comes down to salvation and then baptism.  Baptism is your first step of faith and obedience.  If you can't be obedient in that service, then God knows you will not be obedient in any service.  It is a public act of repentance and acknowledging God's command over you.  The Holy Spirit will start directing you in your purpose from there.  Relationships take time.  God is always ready, but we have to get there too.  He tore down the veil that divided us.  All we have to do is walk through to Him.

Psalm 100, Malachi 4, Matthew 27: 50-53, Luke 7:24-28, John 1:6-9, Romans 12:9-13, & 1 Timothy 4:3-5

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