Friday, January 26, 2024

Excitement about the Journey


    Life is full of unpredictable twist and turns that make it interesting, but it can also make it scary.  There are times when it is hard to get excited about being where you are in your journey.  Sometimes you are headed someone where you don't want to go, but you do out of obedience.  It takes a change in perspective to be able to find excitement in those moments.
    Elizabeth got pregnant when she was too old to have children.  That was one of her highlight moments in life, but it had to be scary too.  People probably asked a lot of intrusive questions and gave her opinions about her life.  That could have stolen her excitement, but she didn't let it.
    May was a very young virgin and pregnant.  Society would have assumed the worst in her.  She was carrying the Messiah, but everyone thought she was a sinner.  It was a lot for a young woman, a girl really, but she went to Elizabeth to find her excitement.  Elizabeth gave her the encouragement she needed to hold her head up high and accept the gift of Jesus.  
    Both women were so strong because of their faith.  They understood that they had this small part in a very large moment in life.  They chose to enjoy it instead of worry, stress, or hate it.  This truth is still valid today.  We can choose to enjoy and get excited about the journey or we can choose to focus on what we don't like.    
    The Holy Spirit lives in the heart and with the soul of all Christians.  He reveals the truth to us as we are ready and seeking to hear it.  He is the supernatural in our lives.  He makes it worth getting out of bed with excitement even if we don't want to face the day.  
    Luke was a physician.  He was educated, so he was able to record the life of Jesus in a very practical way.  Yet, even in his writing you can feel the supernatural of the Holy Spirit directing his presentation of Jesus' story.  He made the supernatural understandable.  That is a gift.  
    That is why we should get excited about life because that is what we are supposed to do with our lives.  Our lives need to represent the supernatural world of God and be relatable at the same time.  That is a big challenge, but one that is exciting at the same time.
    Throughout the life of John the Baptist and Jesus you can see the Holy Spirit at work.  You can see Him using John to clear the way for Jesus.  You can see Jesus working with the Holy Spirit to get all that needed to be done before his death accomplished.  When Jesus resurrects you can sense the role that the Holy Spirit is about to take.  
    When He steps in it is a life changer for all that choose to follow Jesus.  The Holy Spirit never leaves the people that take that path.  He is the seal on your soul that allows you entry into Heaven as God's child.  He is the spiritual rebirth in your heart.  He is the testimony of your life placed in the Book of Life.  He is the one that enables you to have a close relationship with God.  Jesus opened the door, but the Holy Spirit keeps it open.  You can't say that that is not exciting.
Psalm 23, Luke 1:14-45, & 1 Peter 1:10-11

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