Saturday, January 27, 2024

Life's Journey


    Life is a our own personal journey.  There are similar paths, but your journey is all your own.  It is nice that there are places where paths may cross over or be parallel because it mean you have someone to share certain things with good or bad.  What we need to remember is that no matter what God is on your journey with you.  
    If Jesus is the focus of your journey, then a lot of the scary and dramatic aspects of life have a little less impact.  You know you are safe.  You know He will not let you fall.  It is only when we take the focus off of Jesus that we start to stumble.  We trip over our own feet.  We get tired, scared, weak, and seem to only care about our own comfort.
    It is better to be fixated on your affection for Jesus, than it is to try to do life on your own.  This is when you are blessed to the point that everyone around you notices.  You can even see how blessed you are.  There are times when God blesses you and you are too wrapped up in yourself to even notice.  That is sad because how can you appreciate what God is doing in your life if you are too busy ignoring it.
    If you travel with Jesus in your life journey, then you stand apart from society, the government, what is popular, and more.  It can feel lonely because we want human connection.  That is when we need to be determined to allow the angels to take care of us and stay walking hand in hand with Jesus.  If you do that, then you will have favor with God.  It is not easy.  Not very many people get the favor of God.
    God is free to bless whomever He wants.  He can give His favor to anyone of His choosing.  He does not ask us our opinion on it, so why would we turn to anyone other than God on how to live a holy and blessed life?  
    God set standards for Himself, so that we would know it was His hand in our lives.  He set standards and boundaries for ourselves to keep up safe, holy, and pure.  We have the choice to honor His boundaries or to ignore them.  If we choose to ignore them, then it is not His fault that things in our lives fall apart.  If we reject Him, it is not His fault if we end up in Heaven.
    Sin removes the favor of God.  It crushes the blessings God tries to give us.  What Eve took away from all people by introducing sin into the world, Mary brought back by giving birth to Jesus.  Mary could have told the angel of God, no thanks.  I don't want that responsibility.  She could have tried to kill Jesus in the womb to avoid the scandal of being an unwed mother.  She could have run away to give birth and then abandoned Jesus.  She could have done so many things to escape God's blessing, but she chose to accept the honor of being the mother of Jesus.
    Jesus produced fruits of the spirit while in Mary's womb.  She was blessed for being his mother because she was obedient.  She excepted the responsibility that was beyond her comprehension.  She carried it through until the very end where she stood under her son while he died on the cross.  Her journey had a lot of ups and downs and many of them were revolved around Jesus.  No matter what she faced, you never heard her complain, be angry with God, or reject God's Word.  She excepted her exclusive role as the mother of our Lord and Savior.
    What are we willing to do to make sure our lives have purpose?  Will you follow through with what is asked of you?  Will you complain, makes excuses, or flat our say no?  How do you want your life journey to look.  You may not be remembered for generations, but do you want your life to carry impact in your world today?  It is your choice to seek God in all that you do and find understanding in it all.  He is showing you your path, you just have to start taking it.  He wants to give you a rich and satisfying life.

Proverbs 3:5-6, Luke 2:25-35, John 10:6-10, & 1 Peter 1:17-25

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