Thursday, January 4, 2024

God's Timing


    God's timing is prefect.  He has it down to the millisecond.  He actually has it down more than that, but we can't comprehend beyond a linear time.  If we did, then we may appreciate time in a different way.  We would understand His timing is better than our own.
    When we ignore God's timing and do things in our time line, that is when we get ourselves into trouble.  Running ahead or lagging behind God are equally bad.  It is when we walk hand in hand with God that we get to witness His power in time.  We can see things that we never imagined.
    We don't have to be in such a hurry in life.  We can stop to be in God's Word, meditate, and pray.  If we do that, then we can see things with more clarity and move with more confidence.  The Holy Spirit is here to give us wise direction.  If we ignore Him, then why should He keep working so hard on our behalf.
    It takes strength to wait on God's timing.  That is why we need to work at it and make it a habit to listen for God in the chaos of life.  He is working in the little things, so pay attention to the details.  Do not fret, be uptight, or put unnecessary pressure on yourself.  He is working on your behalf.  Let Him.
    There are some requirements to waiting on God: faith and patience.  If you don't have either then you have a lot to strive toward.  Faith is trusting God in the stillness.  Patience is not giving into anxiety or worry while you are in the stillness.  Together you can have security, confidence, and peace while you wait on God.
    It takes courage to wait on God's timing.  You have to stand firm against opposition and peer pressure to move in one direction or another.  You have to listen to the Holy Spirit to take a stand to wait even if you don't understand why.  It may look good.  It may look like the right path, but that does not mean that it is.  That is why you need the wisdom of the Holy Spirit speaking to your heart and mind.
    Do not try to reason with God to make Him budge to what you want or when you want something.  It only displays a troubled heart.  It displays a disobedient heart  that needs to be changed.  God will work harder in your life to change your heart instead of budging to your impatience.  Instead ask Him to display His will in your life.  Ask Him to show you why things are how they are.  Ask Him why you are going in a different direction than you though you would be taking.
    God's timing is perfect and determined.  The Holy Spirit will caution you from trying to go against God's timing in your life.  If you choose to act anyway, then your disobedience will silence the Holy Spirit more and more.  After all why should he bother speaking if you will not listen.  Once you break yourself and are willing to listen again, He will be there to help you get back on track.  
    Everyone has an opinion, even about your life.  That is why you need to stand firm and get stronger in your faith everyday.  It takes strength to say no especially if you respect the person that is pushing you.  It takes endurance (which is lasting strength) to take the negative that people place upon you all to stay obedient to God.  To give in is to find fear and discouragement.
    Learn your lessons in life, but try to learn from the lessons that other people learned too.  You will never know everything.  Somethings will just have to be followed by faith.  Sin will never be okay, so seek God's will.   Find safety, success, and joy in His timing.

Joshua 1, Psalm 27:11-14, 37:1-6, Daniel 4:31-32, & 2 Peter 3:8-10

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