Friday, January 5, 2024

What do you Hear?


    God is trying to get your attention.  Are you listening?  Or is the world getting your attention?  Are you able to focus on God or are you distracted by everything that is happening?  
    It is so easy to give the world your attention.  It is in your face.  It can be scary.  It demands you feel the urgency/  However, focusing on God gives you a calm.  It provides understanding.  It can take away the fear.  
    It is who you listen to in life that shapes the person you are.  How do you handle what matters in life?  How do you decide what matters?  It comes down to whom you listen and how you listen.  If you are in God's Word everyday, then you can handle life.  It may not be easy.  It can be painful at times, but it gives you steadiness to your mind and soul.  You can control your feelings instead of letting them control you.
    Everywhere you turn you are receiving messages: music, tv, movies, commercials, sports, school, church, community, volunteering, social media, and more.  The things is we don't even realize that we are receiving messages.  If we hear the same thing over and over, then it normalizes and you may not even realize that it is the wrong thing.  You don't see how it influences you or even changes you until something opens your eyes to the truth.
    We don't just receive messages.  We are all giving out messages intentionally and unintentionally.  What message do you want to give to the world around you?  What do you have to say?  Is it worth listening to?
    God wants to speak to you.  He speaks to the heart and mind everyday, but are you listening?  Are you following His direction or are you too busy?  He is never too busy for you, so can you carve out a little of your time for Him everyday?  He is there with wealth of knowledge and wisdom. 
    We are all influenced by what we hear whether it is holy or evil.  It sticks to you.  You can never unhear what you have heard.  That is why you have to be intentional to not listen to things that you know God would not approve of.  You can't avoid everything, but you can some things like music, social media, tv, and more.  You don't have to cut any of that out.  It is not evil, but people do use it for evil.  You can cut those people out.
    Do not listen to people that do not know God.  You can't change them, so do not let them change you.  If they are willing to have a real conversation about faith, then you can discuss.  However, if they do all the talking and you never stand for your beliefs, then it is a conversation better not had.  
    Your conduct, character, and influence in the world matters too much to be casual about it.  It is better to focus on your relationship with God rather than people that don't really care about you.  It is better to allow God to influence your life, than allow other people to control you.  What do you hear in your daily life?

Genesis 3:1-10, Psalm 32:8-11,Matthew 5:21-48, & Romans 10:14-18

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