Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Priority to Pray


    Making something a priority means it is something you care about above most other things.  Priority is the fact or condition of being regarded or treated with importance.  You put something or someone before others.  Prayer is something that should be a priority of every Christian.
    The saying is to wake early with prayer.  That is a good practice.  When I am falling asleep or starting to wake before the alarm goes off is a good time for prayer for me.  My mind is always racing to the point of exhaustion.  These are some of the moments in life that my mind can be still and hear God's voice more clearly.  I am a morning person, so it makes sense that I would prioritize the morning for alone time with God.  However, if you are a night person, then that is when you should prioritize your alone time with Him.
    No matter your energy levels or lifestyle, the morning is when you start your day.  It is a good habit to start your day in prayer to focus on what is important in life.  When you have your alone time with God, you need to find a solitary place where you will not be interrupted.  Start the day planning with God and getting your priorities straight for the day.  This is how you will accomplish important hurtles in life.
    Jesus taught us how to prioritize prayer, alone time, and ministry.  We all have a ministry.  All Christians have been commanded to tell the Good News and give their testimony through faith.   It starts with faith, prayer, then baptism.  You baptism is the blessing you need to get started.  It is a declaration of faith that start kicks your future with God.  Jesus literally heard God's voice and saw the Holy Spirit.  We don't  get things that miraculous for the world to see, but it does empower you to start your life with Jesus in obedience.
    We can say the little prayer and public prayers.  There is nothing wrong with that, but it is really important that we carve out time to disappear and spend time with God.  We need time everyday to pray without being disturbed.  This is when you can find direction in everyday matters, closeness with Jesus, and hear the voice of the Holy Spirit speak directly to your heart and mind.  If prayer is a priority, then it will be in your schedule.  You will find your special place to go and devote time to converse with God.
    Jesus taught us to humble ourselves to get on our knees sometime.  I have not found the proof that you need to be on your knees to pray all the time.  However, sometimes we all need the act of humility and get on our knees.  It keeps us from being too comfortable and it is submissive.  It is a position of respect for God.  
    The position and how you pray comes down to your attitude.  It is more important to be open and humble than to display a position or say the "right" words.  If it is really about your relationship with God, then you will want the privacy to have an intimate and real conversation.
    The point of prayer is to know God's will and get your attitude in alignment to obedience.  It is learning that His will is better than any idea that may cross your mind.  Praying in privacy is about surrender and being transparent with God and yourself.  It is humbling yourself to seek forgiveness and guidance on how to move forward.
    Prayer is a conversation between you and God.  You can talk about anything and everything.  The difference is that it puts you in a safe place.  You never need to worry about God using your words against you or spreading rumors.  No one will understand like He does about where you are coming from and why you do the things you do.
    The trick about prayer is that it is not all about you.  You have to be willing to listen too.  These are precious moments in your life.  It is important to recognize that and not ignore really important things that He wants to tell you personally.  God is never too busy for you, so can you make the time for Him in return?  There is no substitute for God.  He is always ready and has the power to do anything.  If you give Him your time, then you will see that.

Matthew 14:22-23 & Mark 1:35-39

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