Monday, January 1, 2024

No Life Regrets


    What do you think about your life today?  Do you regret parts of your life?  Or do you look at them as stepping blocks that made you who you are?  It is how you view your life that shapes the attitude that you will have.
    Do you think Jesus had any regrets about his life: no.  There is a difference.  He never sinned, but that does not mean that his life was easy.  He could have changed so many things to make his life better, but he didn't.  He came here for us and he showed us how to endure a world of sin in his name.  
    Every step of Jesus' life as a human had purpose and meaning.    Even the timing of when he came into it and what family he was in.  He came to teach and preach.  He was the good news and had to meet as many people as possible, so the truth could be in the world.  He invested his time into people and his relationship with His father.
    Jesus chose his disciples.  They didn't just appear to be his friends.  He chose them with an intended purpose.  He had to teach them, show them, reveal truths to them so that they could be ready for their jobs when the time came.  It didn't happen over night.  It took years.  It took time, but they were willing to be led by God and that was all that mattered.
    Jesus deals with the heart and soul.  He performs miracles in us because he loves us.  He heals our soul through fellowship with him.  Relationships are the key to understanding the truth about Jesus.  Just like he chose his apostles, he chose you.  All you have to do is be willing to follow him through anything and everything.
    Walking with God will make enemies of people in the world.  It is just part of having true freedom.  Don't let hate taint all the good God is doing in you.  Invest in your relationship with Him and then other people.
    Invest in God and you find redemption for your past.  That means that there is no need to live with regret.  It has been erased from your eternal history.  Live life and don't let regret pull you down or stop your purpose.  Jesus unveiled who he was.  You can do the same.  Invest in the eternal.  You will not see what you are investing in immediately, but it is part of growing up spiritually.
    Jesus fulfilled his purpose to the point of death and resurrection.  He was 30 when he began his ministry.  It took three years to get the truth out there.  It took three days to change the citizenship of all people that choose to follow Jesus.  
    One day we will all give an account for how we lived our lives.  If you think you will regret anything on that day, then today is the day that you should get it off your chest and give it to Jesus to nail to the cross.
    Take the time this year to talk with God, read your Bible, study it, give your money to God's purpose, pray, and make your life a testimony.  It is a new year and new start to bring honor and glory to God.  Now is what matters because we don't know if we will have a tomorrow to make things right with people or God.

1 Samuel 26:21, Proverbs 14:9-15:13, & John 3:16-17

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      God created you for a purpose.  That purpose is not to waste your life, but live it fully with Him.  Every single aspect of your life ...