Saturday, January 13, 2024

Trials and Tribulations


    When you focus on the circumstances, problems, or concerns of life, then you are putting them above God.  You loose sight that God is bigger than all of this and will take care of it.  Just because God doesn't do things in your timing, doesn't mean that He is not doing things.  He is doing big things behind the scene to make things better in a way that you can never imagine.
    It is foolish to allow yourself to be ignorant in God's way.  If you stay in ignorance, then you will never be prepared for the trials and tribulations of life.  You will never be able to see the blessings happening in them.  If you want to know about the ways of God, then you can find it every where in the Bible.  To keep your Bible closed is to close the door on God.  He is asking you to stay open to Him and follow Him through anything.
    Your can see trials and tribulation in guilt.  If you never move on from your past sins, then you are keeping your self in a trial that God has been trying to release you of the burden.  You are not able to let go on your own.  He is just waiting for you to ask Him to take the burden in your faith.  Your faith is what governs your life for good or bad.  If you don't know God's Word, then you will never have stability in your life.  You will always be ruled by your emotions, situations, and other people.
    You need to work on your faith before you work on anything else in your life.  You will never be "good enough" for God, so let Him make you "good enough".  Let Him clear up the confusion that life puts in your mind and heart.  He can make even the murkiest water crystal clear.
    Has God ever failed you?  Or have your failures been due to you taking your own path and ignoring God?  He is there.  He picks you up.  He will surprise you by how faithful He is.  When you are unhappy, then turn to Him.  He will work through you to express Himself.  In the process you will find joy, if not happiness.
    God has promised to meet all your needs.  He never promised to meet all your desires or wants.  There is a difference between wants and needs.  His way is better.  You just have to trust that.  Do not be afraid of the unknown. 
    Allow the Holy Spirit to direct you and prepare you for what will come.  It will reveal itself one way or another, why not be prepared.  He is with all Christians to equip, empower, assist, and guide.  He is always with you.  He will never abandon you or make you feel bad for your feelings.  He will just give you some perspective on them.  If you allow your feelings to rule you, then you will never know where you stand in your relationship with God or other people.  Trust the truth over your feelings.
    There is nothing too hard for God.  He will get you through your tribulations.  He will give you the answers you need to be strong enough to endure your trials.  Life is a journey.  Allow God to lead your journey.  You will still meet forks in the road where your faith needs to be established or strengthened.  Trust the Holy Spirit to lead you down the best path.  You don't have to be afraid, anxious, or live in despair.  God has you if you will follow.

Psalm 23, John 1:6-9, 16:31-33, & Romans 5:6-11

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