Monday, February 12, 2024

Stepping Out of God's Will


    To follow the will of God you have to die to your own wants and desires.  You have to be willing to put God's Will ahead of your own.  It may intel you lowering yourself to put the needs of other people above your own.
    If you decide your own purpose and make your own plans about your life, then you choose to live outside of God's will.  You are intentionally stepping out of His will.  Adam and Eve were the first to do this.  They lived in perfection and walked daily with God.  They literally walked with God, but allowed Satan to come in and deceive them.  They ultimately chose to be exiled because they ignored God's implicit rules.  They only had one and they couldn't even obey that one.
    We live in a world tainted and consumed by evil.  We have to work twice as hard to stay in obedience to God.  He was forced to add rules and regulations into our lives to help us live easier.  However, we are all just like Adam and Eve.  We all fall occasionally for Satan's tricks and we sin.  We have all chosen to step out of God's will.  It is what we do after that matters.
    Noah was resigned to life in the new world after all life outside of the ark had been destroyed.  The entire world had changed.  It had been wiped clean and humanity had a chance to do things different.  It is sad that we never seem to choose to do better for very long.  
    People resorted back to sinful ways very quickly and the Israel nation developed, became strong and unified, but ultimately fell due to listening to Satan over God.  They chose their selfish paths instead of God's path that would have only strengthened them more.  The consequences was that they became slaves.  Their self nature led to their destruction.  Their purpose was to be God's Holy Nation and they failed.
    God gave them a great opportunity and it cost them a lot to ignore Him.  He had spent the time to prepare them to be this great nation and they dropped the ball.  They allowed fear, pride, and arrogance to drive their motivations and took their eyes off of God.  This led to the nation rebelling against God.
    Life is no different for us today when it comes to following or stepping out on God.  We are either obedient or rebellious.  God never promised that following Him would be easier, but ultimately it is easier to live with than the consequences of rebelling.  Fear and doubt will stop you in your tracks.  It keeps you from seeing all the possibility that being with God in this world can provide.
    Samson had miraculous power, but his lust for women was his destruction.  He allowed temptation and deceit to steal the power that God had gifted him with.  It could have been avoided, but he had never experienced what being a mere human was like.  He never thought that he would loose this gift and it led to him being weak, blind, regretful, and ultimately to his sacrificial death.  
    Do not take for granted what God has given you.  It is a gift just for you to help you walk in God's will.  Do not let the gift turn you arrogant or selfish where you walk out from God's will.  Do not turn to temptation or deceit.  It is always better to walk in life with God than without.  Seek to understand God and His path for you with a thankful heart that He has given you purpose and skills to achieve your purpose.

Numbers 32:20-24, Proverbs 19:20-25, Galatians 6:7-10, Ephesians 5:115-20, & Colossians 3:22-25

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