Sunday, February 11, 2024

Stepping Into God's Will


    When you go through life with God, then you are living the best life.  It is not promised that your life will be easy.  If anything you are guaranteeing more personal attacks into your life.  That is just part of being a true Christian.  However, when you walk through life with God following His purpose, you have clarity, inspiration, love, and strength.  You are never alone to face life by yourself.  
    Living your life in God's will is having the Holy Spirit living within you giving you guidance, direction, comfort, and wisdom.  Every time you open your Bible you are inviting inspiration, love, and clarity on choices that you will face throughout the day.  You gain wisdom by listening and obeying the Holy Spirit.
    A life without God is a disaster.  To ignore Him or pretend that He does not exist is the greatest sin you can commit.  There will always be consequences to disobedience.  To follow path that Jesus cleared for you, you need to understand all of this.
    The Holy Spirit will allow you to live life your way, but you will face the consequences for silencing Him.  You silence the Holy Spirit by ignoring Him.  He is still there, but He stops trying to talk to you because what is the point.  You are determined to live life your way.
    If you ignore the Holy Spirit, then you are unable to change the necessary things to make life better.  You walk right past the signs with no clue that they were meant for you.  We were put in this world to serve God, not man.  That includes ourselves.  Our lives are our own, but we were never meant to live just for ourselves.
    When God passes judgment it is impartial.  He loves you, but you can't live a life of sin with no consequences.  You are special, but you no more special than anyone else.  To believe that you deserves special treatment is arrogance and God hates arrogance.  Punishing His people does not make Him happy, but He has to be true to His Word.  We all reap what we sow in our lives.
    On judgment day, we will all stand before God and give an account for all of out missed opportunities.  If we prayer in repentance now and take actions to follow in God's Will, then those missed opportunities will be erased.  However, you have to know what you missed and why to be able to repent them.  
    It is better to face the consequences now for our failures than for eternity.  Living a life in God's will will reap good consequences.  They may not be the kind that grab people's attention.  If you are living a life to honor and worship God, then people noticing you does not matter as much.  Don't get tired of doing what is good in the world even if it may never be noticed by people.
    We all have responsibilities.  Are you willing to step up and do yours to honor and worship God even if it may not be pleasant, exciting, or something you enjoy?  It is your choice to follow God's will.  It is your choice to live a life of wisdom or being a fool.

Numbers 3:21-26, Psalm 25: 4-7, Galatians 6:7-10, Colossians 3:22-25

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