Saturday, February 10, 2024

What Can I Expect About God's Will

    No one can fully know or understand God's plans.  You can know His character, steadfastness, faithfulness, and truth.  You can know and understand His rules, regulations, and boundaries.  You can understand why they were put into place.  You can learn what your path is and be flexible to change as it moves around bends, uphill, down hill, and through unpredictable ravines.
    We know that we were born to live a life to serve and honor God.  We know that one day we will die. It is the ultimate consequence for the sins that we chose to allow into our lives.  We know that our soul will live forever in Heaven or Hell.  We know that there is no other option.
    What we do not know are all the details.  That is why it is called a walk of faith.  We understand that the world puts pressures on us.  We are able understand that living in this world comes with living with pain.  We able to understand that not all things will be revealed and if they are, then it is rarely when we want them revealed.  We may live our entire lives with unanswered questions and only discover things once we enter Heaven.  We have to find a way to except that fact.
    God is the ultimate one over all plans.  When you plan you might as well make sure that it falls in line with your plans.  Do your plans honor God?  If they do not, then you will fight a battle that you will not win.  It is a waste of time and energy.  We only get so much of time and energy, do you really want to waste any of it?  The past is the past.  Use it to move forward with God and don't waste more time dwelling over things you can't change.
    If you can't sleep, then it could be that God is trying to talk to you.  When you try to sleep is when your brain stops running non-stop.  It is the best time God can get you to listen sometimes.  If you want to sleep, then deal with what God is trying to help you deal with.  Find time in the day to meditate: shut down your mind to go over scripture, prayer, and to just listen to what God wants to say to you.  If you learn how to properly meditate, then your sleep life will be much better.
    You can expect God to love you the way a good parent would love you.  That means He will not give you everything you want.  He will not spoil you.  He will correct you and even discipline you when it is required.  He does this because you are the one that benefits.  He never takes pleasure in His children hurting.  
    Analyze why you are in pain.  If it is due to something you did, then repent and give it to God.  Stop fighting.  If it is due to someone else, then give it to God and work through if you need to let that person go from your life.  If it is due to the sinful world, then turn to God for comfort because you can expect Him to be there and to genuinely care. 
    If you follow God's path, then you can expect blessings.  If you choose to go against God's will at any time, then you have no right to expect or demand good things.  God will give as He pleases, but he hates arrogance and pride.  Those are two things everyone needs to work to remove or to stay away from.  
    When you make choices in life, you may believe that they only affect you.  Your choices affect your relationship with God, other people, and sometimes people you never met.  You life will never not impact other people.  Think and pray over how you live your life, the words you speak, the attitude that you give off.  Does it show that you trust God in the daily details or something else?
    You can declare you want God's will in your life all you want, but until you start living by faith it is just words.  You have to follow God's path for your words to have any impact in your life.  Are you willing to make the changes that God ask you to make?  Do you accept His will over your own?  Are you willing to go wherever He leads?  These are some of the questions you have to ask yourself honestly to follow Him.  If you follow God, then you can expect the most satisfying life you could have ever imagined.

Proverbs 19:20-23, Jeremiah 29:10-14, Matthew 7:21-23, Ephesians 5:6-14, Hebrews 10: 35-39, & James 4:7-10

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