Friday, February 9, 2024

Peace About God's Will


    Do you have genuine peace in your heart?  Or does your peace depend on the timing or circumstances of life events?  Peace is something that we seriously need to seek.  It is what gives you peace in the hard times.  It strengthens us to be able to endure.  It makes you foundationally solid, so that you are a safe person.  If you do not have peace in your heart, then you can't be stable for yourself of anyone else.
    Peace is having a quietness in your soul.  This is ideal for an introvert.  That way even if you have to be around people and do not get the breaks that you need, you can still find that quiet, still place in our soul to find energy.  
    Peace removes doubt.  It shows that you trust God in all things.  You know He is taking care of the situation, so you can relax and let it go.  You have no doubt because you allow yourself to sense God's presence.  You know that He loves you enough to take care of you even when it looks hopeless.  It is all in God's timing, so you can let go of the what ifs.
    When you follow God's Will for your life you have peace because He is consistent.  You see Him working all around you. Other people see Him working in you.  You see the proof in God's Word.  You find confirmation that you are on the right path or redirection to your path.
    Prayer is essential to follow your path and find peace.  Is is not the give me prayers.  It is the genuine seeking God conversations that you have in prayer.  You ask Him to show you His will.  Give you the strength to follow His will.  Seek His face and intimacy.  It is choosing His way and life over your selfish desires or personal comfort.  
    Prayer exposes you and show you your own vulnerabilities.  It is necessary as a part of the process of maturing and getting closer to Him.  You have to go through the uncomfortable to be close to Him and grow as a person.  You may be amazed how you can have peace even during this process.
    Your demeanor toward prayer and your path with God reveals where you stand with Him.  If you possess God's peace in your heart by following Jesus, then it is revealed by your speech, response to situations. how you dress, and more.  How you dress may seem weird, but how you dress reveal a lot about the level of submission you give God.
    You actions direct your path.  Your actions or reactions reveal if you follow Jesus or your own path that will lead to destruction eventually.  Action back up who you are as a person.  Submission is an action.  You either submit to God or you do not.  Women you submit to your husband or you do not.  Children submit to their parents or they do not.  
    There is a reason why God ask us to submit and in the hierarchy that he commanded.  It is to give you peace and security.  Women need a stronger sense of security than men.  Men need to feel needed and have the purpose of taking care of things.  Children need balance to become stable adults.  If you follow God's pattern for your sex, then you will live a happier, healthier, and more peace filled life.
    Does your life fit in God's overall plan?  The answer should be yes, if you hold peace in your heart.  If you can't honestly say that you have peace in your heart, then you need to seek God to get on His path that He designed just for you.  You will never find peace trying to fit where you do not belong.
    You can trust God's path for you because He is consistent.  He loves you.  He will not lead you anywhere that will not get you closer to Him.  You have to be honest with yourself or your own hypocrisy will be your stumbling block.  If you live in hypocrisy, then you can't move forward in God's will or hold onto the peace you want in your heart.  Only a true disciple will ever understand this.

Matthew 7:21-23, John 16:16-33, Romans 5:1-2, 16:17-20, & Philippians 4:6-7

1 comment:

  1. Sis, do I seek peace or is peace something that God gives? Also, what are the two types of peace given by God?


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