Thursday, February 8, 2024

Be Sure About God's Will


    God created the world.  He invented every living things.  He is the original artist.  He is what every human strives to be, even if they are not aware.  All good things in this world come from him.  However, he does have an enemy that fights His will.  Satan fights him covertly by perverting and tainting all the good that God has given.  That includes people.  God will allow certain things to happen for our own good.  He wants us to open our eyes to the truth in this world and where we stand in it.
    God has a path for you, but He also gave you the gift of free will.  You have the choice to follow Him or your own personal will.  If you learn the truth of everything that makes this world function and you exist, then you will probably want to follow Him path.  However, if you choose ignorance, it will not save you in the end, but you may have a fun ride while it last.  It just wont last.
    You have a predestined path.  God has us in mind.  He knew exactly when and where you would be put when He created the world.  We had a purpose long before you were in our mother's womb.  You can see God's sovereign control if you seek to know.  
    You can be sure about God's will for you through the morals He set.  He made them clear in the 10 commandments.  They are preset boundaries to help us live our best life.  A life without boundaries is full of painful chaos.  
    If you desire a future, then your safe bet would to trust and rely on God.  Life is full of circumstantial situations.  What you need to see is the good and evil behind the strings controlling the circumstances.  When you see the truth, then you can start controlling our responses to the situation.  
    You don't have to have triggers anymore.  God can heal them.  You understand you can't control what is happening, but you can control how you respond.  It takes practice and a lot of prayer, but you can rule the uncontrollable emotions.  You can start today by taking time to read God's Word, pray over what you read, ask God to reveal certain things to you throughout the day, and meditate on His Word to help you face what He shows you.
    God knows you.  He knows every aspect of you.  He knows you better than you know yourself.  This is why He is actively working in your life.  He wants you to know yourself, so that you can know Him better.  He wants you.  He gave you a path because He loves you.
    You can be sure about your relationship with Him and live without doubt of fear.  He will make His path clear to you if you want to know.  He is always consistent.  If you are following Him, then you will discover that you are consistent too.  Following God reveals wisdom.  Ignoring Him or defying Him will reveal real consequences.
    You can have a honest relationship with God.  You can ask Him for help and expect to receive it.  He will never let you down.  You can ask God to direct and assist you toward achievements.  If it doesn't happen, then you know He is redirecting you toward something better.  
    Pray for direction, wisdom, and understanding.  Be Holy, control your body, and avoid sin to be confident about your life.  It will help you move forward in a life of meaning in God's glory.  This is how you honor God.

Proverbs 16:1-4, Romans 8:26-30, Ephesians 5:15-20, & 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8

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