Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Do you Hinder God's Will?


    The path we take in life reveals to the world what kind of person you are.  To follow God's personalized path for you requires the ability to really listen and obey.  The Holy Spirit's voice could sound like your own mental voice, but when it comes from Him it nudges you differently.  
    Don't question yourself on if it is just a thought or the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit's voice will never tear you down.  It guides and counsels.  If the voice in your head is destructive in any way, then you know that it comes from Satan's humanity in the world.
    If you are in God's Word, then you know God's ways.  You can use the Bible to confirm what the Holy Spirit is telling you.  If the Bible does not confirm it, then it is from Satan.  You have to be in God's Word to be able to acknowledge when God is communicating to you.  You don't have to be in God's Word in the moment, but enough to acknowledge what is true and what is a lie.
    Do you ask yourself what am I doing?  If you do, then it shows an introspective nature.  This is good.  This is a beginning of a prayer.  Don't just ask yourself why you do the things that you do, also ask God.  Ask God to reveal hidden things about yourself, so that you can bring them into the light.  Once you see the truth, then you can build or destroy.  It is your choice.
    To truly enjoy life, you need to not hinder God's Will for your life or the lives of those around you.  True joy in life comes from living life with God, not fighting Him.  It is actually a lot of wasted energy and it makes you look stupid to fight God.  It is not a fight you will ever win.  
    Your attitude toward God reveals if you follow Jesus or fight against him.  Some hinderances that you may not be aware of are self-will.  We have to sacrifice our own will everyday to follow Him.  We have put ourselves in the place of a servant and that is not easy at times.  Sometimes you just want to be acknowledged and seen, but the point is for God to be seen through you.  It is not always about you.  If you have to make it about you, then it is not worth it.
    Another attitude that will hinder God's will is allowing people of the world to influence you more than you allow strong Christians or the Bible.   The world will tell you that you do not need to obey God.  The world is lying to you.  They do not know or understand the truth.  How can they help you live true to the life giving God.
    The ignorance of the world can affect your attitude toward hindering God's will.  Hindering does not mean stop.  Nothing can stop God, but we can stop God from using us.  We are the ones that loose.  If we choose to turn away from His will, we loose blessings, assurance, comfort, and all the other things we need in this world.  Following Him makes it where you don't just survive this world, but you defeat it in a way that you can live freely.  Have faith in God's Will.
    Doubt will cripple faith.  It will stop you in your path and make it where you will hold up the people behind you.  There is no time or room for doubt if you are going to follow God's will.  If you allow doubt into your mind, then you will miss so many opportunities.  
    Do not feel unworthy.  God's calling for you is a way to use the past.  He will give you what you need, so don't worry about not being prepared.  He takes his time, but don' allow your feelings to stop you from following God.  Instead display self control, forgiveness, and seek God with a renewed self-confidence by trusting Him.  
    Do not get too busy for God.  We live in a go and right now world.  God takes His time.  He wants us to slow down, not speed up.  Take the time to pray, be in His Word, and enjoy the things that He has already given you.  You don't need as many things as you think you do.  The world has just convinced you that you do.  Slow down and remember that God will judge the priorities that you put ahead of Him.
    Faithlessness is a huge hinderance to God's will for your life.  That one is direct choice you have to make for yourself.  You either believe and surrender or you do not.  It comes down to you being the problem in your life.  If you are unwilling to give up anything, then you will loose everything.  Lay down everything that stops you from following God and see how much easier it is to breath, move, and go.  

Joshua 24: 19-26, Psalm 16:9-11, 32:8-9, Proverbs 3:5-6, & Mark 8:34-38

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