Tuesday, February 6, 2024

God's Investment

    God is invested in you.  What He expects from His investment is your desires and will to align with His for your life.  He has offered salvation, opportunities for obedience, spiritual fruit, forgiveness, purpose, and a relationship.  
    He just ask that you follow in obedience starting with baptism after your salvation.  He ask that your obedience continues in serve that feeds your purpose.  He ask for prayer so that you can have a real honest relationship.  He ask that you fire up the worship in your heart to feed your soul.
    You know that God is invested into you because He has personalized your path.  He is involved in your life.  He is not an absent father.  He can be relied upon, but that does not mean that He will do things your way.  You are the one that changes.  You start seeing His will and how it is better.  It changes your perspective on life events over time.
    You may not get the why to your questions, but that does not mean that He is ignoring you.  It is never to late to start trusting His ways and following Him faithfully.  He will let you know your purpose as you start following Him obediently.  Pray expectantly and you will find the answers you need, if not the ones that you want.  If you have questions, then it is your responsibility to ask God.
    You see how God is invested into you.  Are you willing to change to fit His will for your life?  If you follow Him, He will intervene in your life.  He will pick you up when you fall.  He offers forgiveness when you mess up.  Your life is not hopeless if you embrace the truth and desire a personal relationship with God.
    When you understand how God is invested into your life thriving, you will start to want what God wants for your life.  You are transformed into a purer version of yourself.  Everyone messes up, but God will meet you where you are because His love for you is revolutionary.  You just have to be willing to walk in obedience to be able to experience this love first hand.  Thank God for what has been given to you so graciously.
    Surrender the things that hold you back, so you have the ability to follow God without hinderance.  Learn that His way is better than your way.  Give Him the best that you have because He has given you the best for you.  The more of you that you give, the more you will receive in the things you need.  If you are not willing to reinvest into God, then you will lose all that has been given.

Proverbs 3:9-10, Matthew 25:14-30, Luke 16:19-31, & Philippians 4:18-20


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