Monday, February 5, 2024

God is Invested


    God is invested in your life.  He made you.  He created you.  He is your designer.  He gave you every little aspect that makes you unique and special.  In top of that He didn't just toss you into the world to exist.  He gave you a purpose in this world.
    You have a calling because God invested His love into you before you were even born.  He has a will for you to have a good life.  He has certain expectations from us in return: love, gratitude, worship, and a relationship.
    Following God's path for your life takes away so much stress.  You don't have to question what is right or wrong.  His plan for your life are different from the plans that He has for anyone else, so don't even try to compare.  There is no point and it will only lead to negative feelings or pride.  The plans He has for you are important.  They are no less important than the plans He made for anyone else.
    Can you imagine the world we could live in if we all followed God's paths.  We would live in the perfect world.  There would be no sin.  You wouldn't experience fear, loss, or anything else that people use as an excuse to push God away.
    If you start following God now, then your future can look different than it does right now.  It doesn't matter where you are in life, God can use it.  Any mistake can be turned into something useful.  He can provide healing if you just let Him.  
    God does have a predestined will for your life.  However, He gave you free will.  You will only achieve your purpose and His will if you follow Him.  If you choose another path, then you will never experience the blessings that He had prepared for you personally.  
    It was God's will that put Jesus on the cross.  It may seem cruel and it was from a human perspective.  It was the most horrendous thing that could happen, but it had to happen to open the door to Heaven for everyone.  Jesus also went into it knowing full and well what would happen.  He was the voluntary lamb for slaughter and He did it because he loves us.
    God also provided a moral will to help us along in our journey.  It was developed in the 10 commandments which reveal how we can not be good or without sin without God.  When Jesus came, he gave the 10 commandments new meaning.  We can now see that they are more than rules and regulations but boundaries for a healthy and meaningful relationship with God.  They reveal sin and how it lives in our heart.  They reveal that we need God.  To ignore that is foolish.  We need to pray for fools to see the truth and accept it.
    Your morals are what make up your choices in life.  They determine the person that you want to be.  God's set morals are unchanging.  They have never changed and never will.  His morals lead to sanctification, which is how we live a pure life.
    The people in our lives influence us.  If you have people that refuse to obey or even acknowledge God's moral code, then those are people that you do not need to allow into your inner circle.  If you allow people that ignore God into your personal life, then before you know it you are ignoring God's standards.  Instead be intentional about governing your moral life to be Holy.  Be invested into God like He is invested into you.

Exodus 20: 1-17, Proverbs 13:10-14, Matthew 6:31-34, John 14:15-21,& Romans 11:28-32

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