Sunday, February 4, 2024

Does Your Life Fit into God's Will?


    To know the will of God for your life is to ask for that information in prayer and then look deep within to find truths about yourself.  God will reveal what needs to change, be strengthened, and bring you in closer if you are willing.  It all comes down to what you want.  You are as close to God as you desire to be.
    God seeks a relationship, but will not demand one.  He will not force you to be close to Him, but if you want to know your path in life you have to push into that relationship.  God wants what is best for your life, but He will not insist that you walk with Him throughout your life.
    God loves you.  He has good plans for your life.  He designed your path just for you and will equip you for that path.  You have purpose.  You just have to embrace it.  You are not like anyone else.  No one has had your experiences, looks, biology, or any of the tiny things that make you who you are.  You are uniquely meant for something and God is going to use all the painful things of your life to make them meaningful.
    When life seems hopeless remember that God has a reason.  He has a plan just for you and you are not done yet.  It may require more than what you want to give right now, but when you follow you will come through the struggle stronger.  It may feel like more is required of you than other people.  Don't play the comparison game.  It will destroy your focus, energy, and allows bitterness to enter your heart.  It can deter you for years.  Instead, push through and see the blessings that are ahead.
    You do not know your time table.  No one has the same amount of time, talents, skills, or mental capacity.  You need to embrace what you do have to follow Jesus, to walk in the will of God.  It is the only way to use your abilities to the fullest.  God loves you enough to make you so unique and specific.  When you don't feel special remember that fact.
    Arrogance and pride are the two things that will stop you on your path.  They make you feel more important than other people and that attitude disgust God.  He will turn His back on your so not to hear your vile words and thoughts.  He doesn't abandon you, but He will not tolerate you acting like you are god either.
    A person displays arrogance and pride when they ignore God's Will for their lives.  It is one thing if you have not figured it out yet.  It is quite another to know and pretend that you do not.  It is pushing God away even when deep down you know He is what you really need.  Life is way to short to live this way.  His choices for your life are the best and most fulfilling.  Why fight it?
    To fit your life into God's will is to accept responsibility.  It is our responsibility to teach the next generation on how to follow God.  We need to teach them how to pray, read the Bible, and seek God.  We have to show them the way or we have already failed.
    Do not discourage those that seek God just because they don't do it your way or have not quite figured out how to do it purely.  It starts with a yearning or desire.  It is a journey for them just like it was a journey for you.  Their journey will not look like yours.  
    Now, if you have done all you can to teach them and show them the truth and they refuse to let go of sin and claim to follow Jesus, then it is okay to allow someone else to invest into them.  You have gone as far as you can in the journey with them.  To try to push forward when you need to let go will only make a fool out of you.  God's direction will never lead you astray.
    Do not be discouraged because not everyone will follow God.  It is a sad truth, but we can't let that weigh us down because we are not in control.  Never stop praying for them, but stop trying to make it happen.  Instead, focus on your walk with God and trust the Holy Spirit to direct all your relationships.  Trust Him to lead you in truth, protection, power, and direction.  He will draw your attention to where it needs to be in this moment of time.

Psalm 25:4-7, John 14:6-7, Ephesians 5:15-20, Philippians 2: 5-11, Hebrews 11:5-6, James 4:4-6, & 2 Peter 3:8-10

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