Saturday, February 3, 2024

God's Will in Your Life


    We all need direction in life.  None of us are content just existing and living in our own head.  We need God for direction, but are we willing to follow where He leads?  The path starts with the small things like salvation and baptism.  If you are obedient in the small things, then God will start entrusting you with big things that give your life new meaning.
    We start small and start growing in faith.  It is as simple as praying over your groceries.  Pray over the diet that God provides to make you healthier and more energized.  Pray over the money to pay for a healthier diet.  Pray over the desire to eat better instead of what is cheap, easy, and that your brain is convinced that it needs.  An unhealthy diet messes with your mind and changes your chemistry.  It is one way that Satan can attach you.  He was able to introduce sin into the world through food, so we do need to pray over what we eat.
    Pray over your bills, home, relationships, and every other aspect in life.  God has a say in it all.  His way is the best way, but it is almost never the easiest or quickest way.  Be patient while you wait on your prayers to happen.  Impatience will leave you vulnerable for Satan's attacks.  He is eager to lead you into temptation.  Pray that you do not fall for his tricks.  Pray that God reveals the sneaky ways that he manipulates the truth to get you to sin without realizing it is sinning.  This is how you can avoid every type of evil and stay true to the Holy Spirit. 
    If God approves of your plans. then nothing can stop them.  If you are concerned about choices, then wait for His confirmation of approval or redirection.  Sometimes life does things that are painful, but God is allowing it to redirect you to something so much better.  Have faith in God's Will for your life.
    Don't wait until your life in shambles and it is so messy that you can't even figure out how to start to make it better.  As soon as things feel off, seek His direction.  Seek Him when things are good and you may just avoid a world of pain.  Most trauma in our lives could have been avoided had we been walking in step with Jesus.  Trust that He really does know what is best for you.  He has a specifically personal plan for your life that will bring your joy and meaning.
    God's path for you is the only path that will leave you fulfilled.  It is the live where you can express your thoughts and feelings without fear or doubt.  God wants you to come to Him in the good times, bad times, scary, moody, angry, and all the other events that trigger emotions.  He wants to share in every aspect of your life and help make it easier or better.
    To be successful in following God's will for your life you have to have the Holy Spirit living and thriving in you.  He provides wisdom, understanding, comfort, and counsel.  He will not stop you from making bad choices, but He will try to give you other options.  He always provides a way out if you are paying attention or listening.  
    To ignore the Holy Spirit is to live a life of chance.  Nothing can be predicted.  You are living an uncontrolled life that is normally run by your emotions.  The Holy Spirit shows you how to use your emotions as detector, but not controllers.  God has never missed a beat in your life.  He is prepared for every situation, even the times you deviate from His plan.  He has a plan to bring you back to Him because no matter what He loves you.  

Psalm 143:7-12, Luke 22:39-46, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-22, & James 4:13-17

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