Friday, February 2, 2024



    If you learn how to be focused on God, then your world will be opened up in a way that you can't imagine.  Living by faith becomes easier.  You learn what real freedom is.  Nations, people, work, and more try to enslave you for their own fain.  You can can still be a good citizen, friend, family member, employee, and involved in the community without being tied down to human standards.
    You need to do protect your focus by keeping in communication with God throughout the day every day.  Wake up in prayer.  God to bed in prayer.  Spend time in God's Word and meditation when it is the best time of day for your focus.  He will honor your giving Him your best instead of your left overs.  He will free you from the mental, emotional, and physical bondage of the world.
    Every good leader knows how to focus.  They understand that there is always a competitor for that focus.  If you want to be a leader of any kind, then you have to master your ability to focus.  Now the best leaders stay focused on God and not just their own agenda.  They understand that to stay focused on God is their best protection from weariness, burnout, confusion, fogginess, indecisiveness, and more.  
    If you are a focused person, then you have the ability to bless other people.  You can see things clearly in a way they probably don't understand.  It means you can move forward with a focused determination and get things accomplished that they can not.  You are a blessing to them and doing good is a blessing to you too.
    Focus on what matters to you in life without allowing other people to try to make you focused on their desires, wants, or needs.  They need to learn to go to Jesus to get that filled.  You should help in areas that you can, but not at the expense of getting lost from your walk with God.
    Understanding the purpose of focusing on God is the key to freedom that makes a difference.  It makes it where you can make a difference in this world with the maximum impact empowered by God's truth.  You can gather people to Jesus and you listen to the Holy Spirit for guidance in every step of the journey.  Focused and genuine faith is how you live out the Great Commission.  

Psalm 25:4-7, Proverbs 16:1-4, Philippians 4:8-9, 2 Timothy 1:5-7, & 1 Peter 5:8-9

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