Thursday, February 1, 2024

Fight For Focus


    We have to fight for our focus.  We make fun of dogs that are doing so good until they see a squirrel and then they take off.  It takes training and focus.  We have to invest into our dogs for them to be good.  Well, we are the same.  God is invested into us, but we need to put in the work to be mature and disciplined Christians.  
    Fighting for your focus is investing your time, energy, and self-discipline into God's Word, prayer, and meditation on God's Word.  It is slowly keeping your eyes on Him even when the world is throwing you every type of distraction there is.  Even when you feel weak, tired, sick, and worn through you can keep your focus.  
    When you get into God's Word you may discover that it is almost impossible to focus.  Satan knows that anyone who can get anything out of God's Word is a strong warrior, even if it is just in that one moment.  He wants us to fall, fail, and never achieve what God is trying to enable us to achieve.  Satan wants to destroy the connection that you have with God.  He can't so he wants you to think it is destroyed.
    If you prioritize God and delegate responsibilities to those willing to help, then you are able to build a ministry where you are.  You are able to grow and spread that ministry.  Evaluate where you are now and see where you need to be diligent in your focus.  
    Push past the politics. Politics are not found just in the government.  You find politics at work, church, community events, and everywhere.  Politics comes down to people with agendas.  Push past the people that own their own agenda to honor God's agenda.  You don't do this by being rude, disrespectful, violent, or display any hatred.  You do this by using God's Word as your weapon being wielded by genuine love.  Focus on what is true, right, honorable (purity), admirable, and loving, then praise God.
    You are facing distractions right now.  They can be valid distractions, but we still need to find a way to push past them to be focused on God.  You need to give God you time, energy, thoughts, and passions.  When you sit down to spend time with Him give them to Him and say use them as you see fit.  Take them off, like you do your shoes when you get home, so that you can be in the moment with Him.  
    A way to focus on prayer, time, and investing yourself is to look at your money and how you spend your time.  Where does it go?  Those two things are a direct trail to what you care about in life.  Evaluate your financial position to see aspects of your life that your need to reprioritize.  Allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you your motives, so that you can make them pure.  Commit your plans to God, so they will succeed.
    If you don't find anything, then don't worry.  It means you are right where you want to be, but pray over it.  Allow the Holy Spirit to reveal things that you may have hidden from yourself.  Be ready to let go of the things in your life that does not bring forth a healthy life: spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.  A well balanced life is a thriving life of understanding and wisdom.  You will be strong in God's armor.  Focus on things in Heaven instead of the drama of Earth to glorify God.

Proverbs 16:1-3, 20:3-5, 23:4-5, Ephesians 6:10-12, Philippians 4:8-9, & Colossians 3:1-4 

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