Wednesday, January 31, 2024



    Focusing is not always easy, but we have to focus to know our purpose in life.  God gave you a purpose and to follow in obedience to that purpose, you have to organize your priorities and thought patterns.  That means you have to determine where your focus needs to be.  To follow God, you focus needs to be on your relationship with Jesus and listing to the Holy Spirit.
    You will never be able to utilize the power of the Holy Spirit if you do not learn how to focus on prayer.  We are the current witnesses of Jesus in the world.  We need prayer to focus on what God has done and is doing in our lives.  It is what empowers us to evangelize (give our testimony in the world).
    If you are a true Christian, then you have been called to the Great Commission.  If you don't know what the Great Commission is, then you need to go to the Gospels in the Bible.  You will learn about the great commissions in the last chapter or chapters of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.  Jesus commands us to tell his story.  It is not an option, so we need learn how to focus on how Jesus' story has changes our lives.
    Focusing on your relationship with Jesus will empower you to evangelize, baptize, and teach God's glory.  This is important and good works, but it does not hold any power unless it is real to you.  Even then, the works can distract you from what gives the work purpose.  
    You have to spend time in prayer, meditation, and in God's Word to really understand.  You have to pray over your focus.  It is like exercise.  It does not come easy in the beginning, but then the basics become a part of your life.  Then you can focus on endurance and strength training.  You have to dig deep to get there.  It is good to write down a purpose statement that you can look at when life distractions try to deter you from your growth.
    Focusing on what matter in your life, your world, and your relationship with God is what will give you a drive that no one can take away.  It will connect you to your purposeful work.  Your work will be driven by purpose of service and not reward.  It will build upon itself and before you know it, you have accomplished more than you every thought you could.  
    It all starts with focusing on your priorities and distinguishing them in opportunities that will serve God's purpose for you the best.  Trust the Holy Spirit to guide you because walking with God is not always the most obvious path.

Psalm 101, Matthew 28:16-20, Acts 1:7-8, 2 Corinthians 3:16-18, & Philippians 4:8-9

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