Monday, February 19, 2024

Your Prayers Matter


    God is infinitely powerful.  He is so far beyond His creations, but He still seeks to connect with you.  He is the one you can say anything to and never fear of driving Him away.  You can be open and honest with God in prayer without being condemned for your thoughts and heart condition.  It is only the beginning.  Talk, listen, read, and meditate and He will work on your heart concerns.
    God is personal.  That means that He knows what you feel and understands.  Jesus lived as a human, so he feels what you feel.  God wants the best for you, but that does not mean that He wants you to have every thing you want to have.  Jesus is your advocate, so build that strong relationship through active faith.  Jesus is sitting at God's right hand conveying your heart to Him.
    Do not be insecure about your relationship with God.  Once saved always saved.  That means once you truly believe and allow God to start to change you heart, then you are truly adopted in His family.  No one, nothing, can take that away from you.  Even if you mess up badly, you have security in your relationship with God.  Just do everything you can to fix what you broke because you don't know if you have a tomorrow.  
    God always answers prayers.  When you follow His will for you the path is also full of blessings.  God sets your path and rewards your faithfulness by following it.  Along the way you He works on your character in His name as you learn the character of Jesus.
    Speak confidently about your faith and it will be empowered.  Pray in Jesus' name because it is the most powerful word if backed by faith.  Jesus is a force that the world does not know or understand.  They thought they conquered him.  They are wrong.  He allowed what happened to happen for your sake and the sake of everyone else.  He did it because it was part of the plan since sin entered the world.
    Pray in faith and your prayer holds power in your life.  That does not mean that you will be answered immediately, but it does mean when it is answered that it can't be denied as the response from God.  He always responds with a yes, no, redirection, wait, or go.  
    God has a plan for your, pray over the plan and accept what He gives you of it when He gives it.  He almost never lays the entire plan out before you at one time.  It is a life time of plans.  It would scare most of us away if we knew everything we would have to live through to get to be the person we need to be to serve God.
    Jesus' name is the name above all names.  Be proud to be his brother or sister.  Accept the authority of his name to honor him.  Call out Jesus' name "Hosana" and hold onto your salvation.  He is what empowers your prayers.  Hold onto him.  It is the best relationship you will ever have.  You show your love and respect for God through obedience and the Holy Spirit is your advocate.
    Never get tired of talking to him because he never gets tired of conversing with you.  When you have a need keep asking until you get an answer.  Sometimes you need to realize the urgency to understand the difference between need and desire.  You will always find what you truly need.  Never doubt that God will only give you the best is you are willing to wait for it faithfully.  While waiting on God go ahead and work on the relationships you have.  Make peace with the people that you can and let go of the ones that will not let you. 

Matthew 7:7-11, Mark 11:22-26, John 14:12-21, & 1 John 2:1-6

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